A critical reader would be able to tell why the post appended below and the 
initial post in this thread were meant to project a one-sided biased view 
against Hindu NRIs and their organizations in the U.S. Here are the reasons:

1. The author of the post gratuitously initiated this thread with the subject 
"Deflections To The Right", and yet provided a link and excerpt to an article 
talking only about deflections of Hindus and Hindu organizations to the right.

2. He dredged up an article from 2002, and posted it here, without bothering to 
find out if any of the accusations in it were investigated, and found to be 
valid or false over the subsequent 6 years.

3. He did not tell Goanetters that the British Charity Commission has 
investigated these allegations against two Hindu charities in 2005, and have 
found them to be baseless and unfounded. It has completely exonerated the 

4. Accusations of spreading bigotry and divisiveness have been made against 
Christian and Muslim charitable organizations as well, and yet the author 
conveniently did not post any of the articles highlighting them in this forum 
under the general topic "Deflections To The Right". So he wants Goanetters to 
believe that it is only Hindus who are deflecting to the right.

5. He wants readers to believe that Hindu NRIs in the U.S. can be easily taken 
for a ride. They are not smart enough to figure out if their money is being 
used for legitimate and peaceful purposes or not.



P.S. BTW, The India Development and Relief Fund, against which these 
unsubstantiated allegations were made is one of the largest international 
Indian charities, and has as its partner such respected and important U.S. 
charity as United Way. Please see http://www.idrf.org/ for information on it.

--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. It is interesting how the poster draws conclusions that
> Hindu NRI's are
> being shown in bad light when the article, in fact, states
> just the
> opposite. That Hindu NRI's are being taken for a ride
> by certain
> organisations by being led to believe that they are
> contributing to temples
> and charity whereas these funds are channelled towards hate
> and violence.


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