

Those who live in Tel Aviv, New York or London need not fear a Mumbai episode. 
If 10 infantry-trained terrorists were to attack those cities, local police 
with their own hostage-rescue teams would quickly deal with them.

But in India, the reality is that local police cannot be expected to react 
usefully to a terrorist attack, or indeed any form of armed attack, as they 
would in many other countries -- for example, sealing off the area and 
summoning help. Instead, Mumbai and India's other mega-cities are policed by 
semi-illiterate constables who deal only with petty crime as they make their 
rounds, drinking free tea in cafes and accepting small gifts from shopkeepers 
for chasing away intrusive beggars. They hardly ever stop inter-religious or 
inter-caste violence and are reluctant to engage anyone with a firearm.

It's not that India is unfamiliar with terrorism. According to recent data from 
India's Home Ministry, about 7,000 Indians have been killed in terrorist 
incidents since 2004 -- mostly but not exclusively by Muslim extremists. 
Obviously the nation has needed a much better-educated, better-paid, 
better-trained national anti-terrorist police unit for years, but none has been 
established. Thus the forces available to fight the terrorists in Mumbai were 
pathetically inadequate in quantity, quality or both.

[end of excerpts]

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