India was divided by British,with the help of some of barristers of India into 
two.Bharat and Pakistan(East & West).After twentyfive years East-Pakistan was 
named Bangladesh.But both Pakistan and Bangladesh have one constitutional 
religion.They also have one constitutional language,namely Urdu for 
West-Pakistan and Bengali for
Bangladesh.What about Bharat? It has two names India i.e.Bharat,by constitution 
and 24 official languages.Leaving one language,Sanskrit,
rest 23 languages can form theirown states.But it has "SATYAMEVA JAYATE"as its 
logo in all courts of law.So status of corruption does not remain constant and 
continues growing.Because law will take its care and not the state.Que Sera 
Sera-Whatever will be will be. 
 With best wishes for year 2009,
 Shyam V.Bale,Mumbai. 

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