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Pilar Fathers beaten and looted in Jharkhand

- Fr. Peter Raposo

Ranchi, Jharkhand: Pilar Fathers working in one of the rural Parish of the Archdiocese of Ranchi, Jharkhand were badly beaten and looted by a gang of armed dacoits after they broke in the presbytery in midnight of January 6, 2009.

A gang of ten dacoits armed with guns and iron rods, looted away a sum of Rupees one and half lakh after they badly beat the two Pilar Priests working in the Catholic Church of Nawatanr, about 60 kilometers from Ranchi.

"It was past midnight when I heard the dacoits trying to break open the gates", Fr. Deonis Dang, Parish Priest told. They first tried to open the hind gates of the residence but as it wouldn't open they tried and managed to open the front gate, he said. I had immediately alerted Fr. Andreas Dungdung and told him to call the neighboring Sisters at the Convent.

"We were all nervous, but I asked Fr. Deonis to hide in the bathroom as they would try to target him being the Parish Priest" 29 year old Fr. Andreas narrated. However, no sooner they entered the house they caught hold of me and started beating me with iron rods, Fr. Andreas told

There were around ten of them some masked, out of which six entered the presbytery and four were seen guarding outside. They ransacked our rooms and looted all the money and belongings. But even after that they continued hitting me, he continued. Every time I tried to defend myself and told them to stop beating and take away whatever was there, Fr. Andreas, a newly ordained priest narrated.

Then they asked for the keys of the Safe Box belonging to the Catholic Mission Cooperative Credit Society, and continued beating me. Since it was unbearable, I called out to Fr. Deonis since he had the keys. I was now confident that Sisters might have alerted the villagers and expected them to come anytime soon.

The robbers then beat Fr. Deonis who while ducking was pierced with one of the rod near his groins. "I was totally caught unaware and found myself blank". After they beat me I told them that I cant remember and asked them to find the keys themselves" Fr. Deonis told.

As robbers were trying to break open the Safe of the Credit Bank, the people turned up. However, the robbers fled before the crowd reached the scene. In all a sum of Rupees one and half lakhs some belonging to the Church and to the priests was taken away. "They also took away our mobiles, other valuables and even our clothes", Fr. Deonis told.

Recently, A gang of 15 masked and armed men similarly looted about 240,000 rupees from the neighbouring Dighia parish on Dec. 19, after attacking its priest and a seminarian. And on Dec. 17, armed men robbed Patrachauli Parish also in the same neighbourhood beating and looting the priests.

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi who had to leave for Mexico the following morning, expressed his deep concern behind the motive of the robberies. "We donot know whey they are attacking and disturbing our peaceful Preists and Churches", he said. Taking dig at the administration, Cardinal Toppo said that these robberies gave the impression that law and order in the state is in shambles. "We are worried because these incidents are disturbing our activities in remote parishes and villages," he said. "But we cannot stop our mission."

Fr. Ignace Topno, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese who visited the Pilar Fathers in Nawatnar also expressed his regret over the continous robberies in the Archdiocese. He called on the people to maintain peace at the same time to remain vigilant.

Almost a thousand villagers gathered at dawn and held a meeting. Deonis along with the villagers, has filed a case at the local Police Station. The people have also decided to guard the parish during the nights.

It is almost 35 years since the Society of Pilar are working in Jharkhand. At present they have three Parishes, two in the Archdiocese of Ranchi and one in the neighboring Diocese of Gumla. The Missionary Society while serving the Dioceses in Jharkhand also trains its priests in Pastoral Administration for the Diocese of Port Blair where it serves in its parishes and for its missions in the North East Dioceses. END.

Archdiocese of Ranchi
Archbishop's House
P. B. No. 5, Purulia Road
Ranchi,  Jharkhand  834 001
E-mail: peterrap...@gmail.com, peterrap...@rediffmail.com
Phone: 0091 651 2350539/ 728;  Cell: 09234607041/ 09430342307

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