Hey Marlon,
 I have been wanting to rebuke you long ago; but I did not want U to cancel 
your invitation to me, to come visit you when in California. U had it coming. 
Does your invite to me still stand? I am not a Fundamentalist or Terrorist, of 
U have it well and good now! U have been showing your 'ignorance' for long now; 
as and whenever U opened your mouth to post on goanet.
 I hope U have now been enlightened by Fr. Ivo. Please do not think U know 
everything about your Faith. If in doubt, go your local counsellor Priest in 
Mountain View, California,  OK???
 Be a good Man; learn more before U open your mouth with 'foul words', that U 
yourself do not properly understand. OK?? please Do Learn first.

Love and regards to all;
Nascy Caldeira
Down Under.
--- On Tue, 10/2/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza <icso...@bsnl.in> wrote:
Received: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009, 5:59 AM
***I am glad that your are critical and supportive of all religious faiths, 
that you give a space for religion in the human society and in human existence, 
that you support the right of people to "proselytize" (I would prefer the word: 
"proclaim" what we believe, in words and in deeds, in works of education and 
care of the needy and abandoned children of God). I should add that religion is 
a structural dimension of  human existence, that all have the right of 
expression, but it should be in charity and love, in dialogue with others. 
Listening to others and reacting to them with politeness is certainly the right 
behaviour. Proclamation is part and parcel of Christianity. It is rooted in 
God's revelation. This should not lead us to despise others with superiority 
complex but to dialogue with others. All religions are ways to God, they are 
salvific means. But all religions cannot be equally good. They can also be 
"distorted". We are left with a choice. All
 ways to a goal are not equally good, we choose the best one. When there are 
several remedies of different trade marks and medical companies, we choose the 
best ones. The physician is careful to give what he thinks is the best product 
for the patients. It is not the religions that save, but God saves us through 
religions, cultures and even atheistic beliefs. I hope you know the teaching of 
the Catholic Church, when you are criticising it...

***Knowing one's own religion, which we are professing, is necessary. 
Therefore, I said that "we know what we proclaim" (not as you wrote: "we know 
what we claim"). We do not profess superiority, but our conviction that 
salvation comes from God, revealed by Jesus of Nazareth. We are in dialogue, by 
listening and being critical and rational about what we believe, as you are 
"critical (and equally supportive) of  all religious faiths". But sorry, this 
is not "fundamentalism". We call "fundamentalism" the conservative 
intepretation of Bible which does not take into account the historico-critical 
exegesis. Creationism would be "fundamentalism".
But the biblical concept of Creation is not "fundamentalism", it does not 
exclude the theories of Evolution. Interpreting wrongly the Bible and thinking 
it is the only way is "fundamentalism"... Bible and Science should be in 
dialogue. Religion and Science cannot be at odds... Faith and Reason cannot be 
in conflict...

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