Dr. Jen Lewis said:
Dear ED,Perhaps you should ask the local poder instead. Its the goan men who 
are known to be good cooks and bakers, so don't waste your time asking the 
Does that mean Goan women are useless?
Knowing which end of the tendli to cut before cooking is one thing.
Feeding the family with Ammonia, flour enhancer, bleach added to it is another. 
(because they can't/will not be bothered to make chappaties)
Why can't Goan women ask the poder instead, as to why it is white and not the 
colour of wheat?
Does it have to be a PhD from USA who had to ask that question - why 
can't/couldn't you?
Me going to the poder?! I make my own chappaties thank-you, reason? the yeast, 
Ammonia, Enhancers and other additives give me stomach problems.
It is the women who buy for the faimily and have the 'final' say in the 
household; should question what they are feeding their family.
Question every thing? - Ahh!! forget it!!

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