it's true that many poder were were from Chardo or charddi caste.

We called them poder charddi

Some of the top priests at Bishop Palace are the sons of Poder Charddi.

I still see some poder charddi in the area where where I live.

When the sons go abroad etc their ancestral poderponn likely to disappear.
As in the case of some priests whose other brothers were in gulf.

Now, you may say Chardi is chardi be is a Bamonn charddi or poder Charddi
but bammon charddi rerely gave their daughters to poder charddi

I even know of a family who was a 'kansar' by profession.
We used to called their father as 'kansramfranxavier' meaning Kansar Francis 

Mahar= Bamboo product maker
Chamar = Cobbler
Kumar = Earthen products maker
Kamsar = one who make koita, kurade, forem (Spade) etc

Surnam VAZ is not necessarily mean he/she is Chardo, there many Gauddi Kunnbi 

Ever heard 'Pobre fildalg' ?
It is refered to charddo where some of them very poor and yet they ae proud of 
being charddo.
Pobre Fidalg (exact spelling my be diffrent such as pauvre/pobre fidalgo etc) 
is often used to any one now who acts thus.

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permission required. 

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