Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 10:42:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

Here is a detailed correction of the Time Magazine story.?

Mario responds:

This column is written by someone who describes himself as a "a lawyer and 
journalist", who selectively uses facts out of context and perspective to 
deflect any blame from the Democrats who were the primary culprits in starting 
[Jimmy Carter}, expanding [Bill Clinton], defending and protecting [Barack 
Obama, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, et. al.] the system that eventually collapsed 
into a financial crisis.

This writers left wing political slant is clearly demonstrated by his 
description of Iraq as a "quagmire", a false description that was popular with 
left wingers and Democrats until it became obvious they were wrong.  We now 
know the Iraqi government is firmly in control of the situation with minimal 
help, and getting stronger with every passing month.  Even the feckless western 
Europeans who sat on their hands and did nothing to help in Iraq are now 
sending trade missions to try and access the lucrative contracts for its 

While President Bush sometimes joined in taking credit for the growth in low 
income ownership that was at the heart of the problem, the timeline in the 
following report shows how the Bush administration repeatedly warned about the 
impending crisis and demanded that it be curbed, and was ridiculed by the 
Democrats who protected and defended the system and had the votes to prevent 
any serious action to control the problem before it became a crisis.  

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