Dear all,

Sub: Government by the people, for the rich and powerful.

The new ordinance to legalize Cidade de Goa’s illegal construction in the wake 
of Supreme Court judgement is misdemeanour of the Congress Government.  Setting 
a precedent of such a magnitude will have colossal consequences and this 
Government is accountable for this sacrilegious act on the people of Goa, and 
in doing so has forfeited its right to rule.

We have seen similar instances in the  past with regard to shorten the  fishing 
ban period by distributing solar prawns in the Assembly ; and the hasty 
ordinance to the ‘Code of Communidade’ to save top government officials escape 
the High Court ruling on Communidade plots.  This decision of the present 
Government is unthinkable, corrupt and only demonstrates that, it works for the 
rich and powerful, while on the other hand is willing to demolish coastal 
dwellings of traditional fishermen and local residents.     

Judiciary is the forearm of Democracy, and the Government showing scant respect 
for the Apex Court ruling, is an infringement on the fundamental principles of 
rule of law.  What moral right does this Government have, to act on other 
illegalities when it sets a precedent of this kind?   This also leads to the 
question, why should aam admi only, abide by the law if illegalities can be 
legalized by ordinances ?

Our present is in shambles, and with this chicanery Government there seems to 
be no future for our State. ‘Right to recall’ elected representatives is the 
only  option left for good governance if at all, and must be ‘food for thought’ 
for the younger generation.  

Clearly another lesson for Goans to think ‘whom we vote’.

Mog assom,
Geraldo Oliveira

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