A few days ago, a delegation of MNE (Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott) met the
leader of the opposition along with the Mapusa MLA (Francis D'Souza) at his
official office at the Assembly Complex to alert him on the take-over of the
Mapusa ODP (Outline Development Plan)  by vested interest to make
agricultural fields along the Mapusa river a concrete jungle and where MNE
wanted a people's park as a lung for Mapusa's citizenry as also an
exhibition ground for the city developed with all facilities like toilests,
parking etc and various other beautification and decongesting measures.

However, Manohar Parrikar observed that people come to him to get their work
done but when the time comes to voting, they vote for the Congress. This
comment steered the discussion entirely off the topic on hand where the
Freedom Struggle VCD affair etc came to fore in a heated discussion. This is
when Manohar brought to the attention of the Convenor (Adv. Antonio Lobo)
that the Church (thro' CSJP & others) had approached him to table the motion
in the House to cancel the TCP amendment 16A. He said he did not want to do
it but after a lot of pressure from all sides he agreed to to so. Not a
single Congress-NCP legislator vote for the motion he said and the motion
was defeated. The Church, he said, had done nothing to pressurize the
Congress MLAs (at least the Christian ones) to vote for the motion. All said
and done, he went on to called the Church as communal.  He also spoke a lot
about who is who that approached him in person and were presently only
sending him letters by post which I file without reading them, he said.As
this instant argument had given him the lead to press his point, he went
further to denounce the Church on the VCD affair. His argument was put to
rest by self when I  drew his attention to the fact that per se the VCD was
a creation of perverted minds where it was not history that was recorded but
egos. The VCD would have died, I told him, a natural shelf-death if YOU as
the Education Minister did not circulate the VCD to the schools in Goa.
Parents/teachers alike thought YOU, being cadre RSS, wanted to poison the
budding minds of school children, a well known target used by the RSS.

Manohar had not much to say except that "Did I force the schools to show the
VCD?" Did I send a circular forcing the schools to screen the VCD?

To that Adv. Antonio Lobo reminded him that the VCD had his endorsement and
that he was the Education Minister as well as the CM. School authorities did
not need a circular. The order was implied by the very fact that it was
routed through the Education Department.

I have related the above since Marshall has asked a pertinent question. Will
the Ordinance be defeated when produced in the Assembly as a BILL come next
assembly session within 6 months?  I personally believe that more than the
Legislators and their conscience et al, the Church in Goa will be put to the
litmus test on this issue.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Mendonza" <mmendonz...@gmail.com>
To: "goanet" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 10:56 PM
Subject: [Goanet] GOA IS A FAILED STATE

I do not believe all is lost as yet with the Ordinance regularising the
Ciadade irregularities. It is though a challenging task. I understand that
an ordinance has a legal validity of 6 months. Legislation has to be
before the ordinance expires, otherwise the ordinance lapses. Further the
ordinance can be challenged before the High Court. Now is the time to put
the legislators through the litmus test - all 40 of them. Apply pressure
each of them. Get them to sign a petition that they will oppose the bill
the legislature when it is brought before them. This will serve two
purposes. One the true intent of each one of them will be known. And two
duplicity will stand exposed. But for these to have powerful effect every
goan who loves his motherland has to come out and stand to be counted. But
will they rise to the occasion?



  • ... Bonefacio Lopes
    • ... floriano
    • ... Bonefacio Lopes
      • ... goasuraj
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... Marshall Mendonza
      • ... George Pinto
      • ... goasuraj

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