From: "Mario Goveia" <>
As the only real voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, I am sorry to inform you that you cannot have it both ways.
Why? Because, if I am right, it proves that all this neuroscientific mumbo jumbo on the existence of God is a collossal waste of time and effort. ***Thank you for your interesting and entertaining posting about Science and the existence of God. I agree to disagree with you that because the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved by Science, there is no scientific basis for the mystical experience. It is the human brain that receives the impact of the reality outside it, and therefore my point is that the mystical experience is not an "hallucination". It is rooted in the reality. God has entered the human history, we can feel it in history, by effects and consequences, individual and societal.

I don't think God cares what some people think. Besides, we will all find out who was right shortly:-)) If I find out before you, I'll be sure to try and let all Goanetters know:-))
***We have to find it out before we go there!... God himself has revealed it, why not listen to him now only? I am not telling you from my brain, but from God's Revelation accepted by the believers... I am trying to spell out what history and science can tell us about it.

Come to think about it, Mario Beauregard may have better luck doing peer reviewed neuroscientific studies on the motives of scientists on both sides of the debate on whether climate change is being caused by humans, and that the sky will fall if we don't do something real soon. That may be a better contribution to humanity:-))
*** As far as I know, this is not his scope in experimenting in neuroscience...

You are very welcome, Padre Ivo, though I was not aware that I was encroaching on space that you needed:-))
***No, no! You are not encroaching on my space! That is your space! You can read more and entertain us more!

I'm glad you noticed that the awesome breadth of my never humble coverage is as vast as the deep blue sky:-))
***I can feel the power of your brain!

I'm pretty sure that Goanet is big enough for both of us, but if you need more space, please let me know and I will make space for you, especially now that there is a move afoot to pick "entertaining" posts for special recognition, since entertaining Goanetters is at the bottom of my list of priorities, whereas you may be a top candidate whether you want to or not.
**Oh! No! I would not like to compete with you! Nor do I need recognition! So far I had enough space on Goanet!

Just kidding, Padre.  Mea maxima culpa:-))
This is entertaining posting, it needs special recognition. I was also kidding...
Sans rancune!

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