Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:35:36 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <>

I agree to disagree with you that because the existence of God cannot be proved 
or disproved by Science, there is no scientific basis for the mystical 
experience. It is the human brain that receives the impact of the reality 
outside it, and therefore my point is that the mystical experience is not an 
"hallucination". It is rooted in the reality. God has entered the human 
history, we can feel it in history, by effects and consequences, individual and 

Mario responds:

Yeah, yeah, yeah!  But how do experiments in mystical experiences proove 
anything other than the individuals are having mystical experiences?

Does the reality that God has entered human history because of the beliefs and 
the personal faith of humans constitute proof that God exists?

Padre Ivo wrote:

We have to find it out before we go there!... God himself has revealed 
it, why not listen to him now only?

Mario observes:

Padre Ivo, I thought you previously agreed, "....because the existence of God 
cannot be proved or disproved by Science,..."

If the existence of God cannot be proven by science, how do we find out for 
sure before going there?

BTW, if you really believed that the existence of God cannot be either proven 
or disproven by science, this thread would have ended long ago.

Padre Ivo wrote:

I am not telling you from my brain, but from God's Revelation accepted by the 
believers... I am trying to spell out what history and science can tell us 
about it.

Mario responds:

Isn't God's revelation, "accepted by believers", coming from your brain because 
your brain chooses to believe this because of your faith?

If we have agreed that science cannot prove the existence of God, what 
difference does it make what "history", written by people of faith, says?

In the history written by atheists, there is no God, just people who believe 
there is a God.

Padre Ivo wrote:

As far as I know, this is not his scope in experimenting in 
neuroscience... [the suggestion that Mario Beauregard may have better luck 
doing peer reviewed neuroscientific studies on the motives of scientists on 
both sides of the debate on whether climate change is being caused by humans, 
and that the sky will fall if we don't do something real soon.]

Mario responds:

Perhaps it should be because it would help the world far more than pretending 
to prove something we have already agreed cannot be proven by science.  
Depending on what he discovers it may help us to avoid disastrous economic 
policies without achieving anything in return.

What Beauregard is proving is only that people believe that God exists.

Didn't we know this already?

Do we need experiments to prove this?

Padre Ivo wrote:

No, no! You are not encroaching on my space! That is your space! You can 
read more and entertain us more!

Mario responds:

However, I hope you are also learning how basic common sense works, which is 
the primary objective:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

I can feel the power of your brain!

Oh! No! I would not like to compete with you! Nor do I need recognition! 
So far I had enough space on Goanet!

Mario responds:

OK, then.  That's settled:-))

I hope you keep this in mind when dealing with me:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

This is entertaining posting, it needs special recognition. 

Mario responds:

I hope this means you voted for me in the poll being conducted by some 
Goanetters who apparently believe that a public worldwide forum is meant to 
entertain them:-))

In the context of Goanet, a forum is defined as "a public meeting place for 
open discussion c: a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open 
discussion or expression of ideas."

No mention of entertaining anyone.  No mention that everyone who chooses to 
attend has to be interested in every subject being discussed - this comment is 
for the small cabal of Goanetters who periodically complain about what others 
are discussing, how they choose to discuss, what they choose to say and for how 
long, instead of minding their own business and looking for posts that do 
interest them.

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