I was going to add post-haste my greetings to the birthday boy. But his post 
below suggest it is not his birthday. With adoring young beautiful Goan females 
going ga-ga, there must be a message. Why are all his 'admirers" (guys and 
dolls) from all over the world making him older than he is?  Who exactly is 
loosing their marbles?

Here are some targeted responses to the post below.
1. Edward Liddy was appointed by Poulson under President Bust last fall.

2. The first tranche of the bailout money was handed over to AIG on November 
17, 2008 and the second tranche on Nov 26, 2008 under President Bush and when 
Republicans controlled the Senate.  
Presdent Obama and new Congress came into session in Jan 2009..

3.  When I suggested capping bonus, on goanet, our beloved birthday-boy himself 
berated me. He claimed compensation was a private enterprise way to compensate 
smart people. That these are contractual obligatins between parties. He 
suggested that this suprulo goenkar (moi) would not understand these high 
finance workings.

So I cannot help but re-ask the question the birthday boy poses:=))

"Please keep this in mind, Young Francis, or risk embarrassing yourself in 
front of people who know.  In front of your friends, its up to you:-))" 
Birthday Boy.
Regards, GL

------------ Mario Goveia 

Birthday?  What birthday?  The last time I checked it was still March 17.
Why does the Grook-meister do this to me?  Obviously cannot get anyone's goat 
on his own:-))

here are some key facts that the Obama sycophants and Obama's teleprompter are 
covering up:

1. The current CEO of AIG, Edward Liddy, who actually approved the payment of 
the bonuses is an Obama appointee, though he was not the one who approved the 
original contracts.  However, he could have blocked the payment of the bonuses, 
but did not.

2. AIG had disclosed their bonus plan to the appropriate Congressional 
committees - run by Democrats - before the first tranche of their bailout money 
was advanced to them.  The politicians who were involved knew about the 
bonuses, the same ones they are now pretending to be outraged about

3. Democrat Senator Chris Dodd inserted specific language in the unstimulating 
stimulus bill in a section restricting executive compensation to exempt 
contractual bonuses that were agreed to before February 11, 2009, which include 
the AIG contracts.

Please keep this in mind, Young Francis, or risk embarrassing yourself in front 
of people who know.  In front of your friends, its up to you:-))

----------- Francis Rodrigues 

Love him or hate him, you gotta admit he gets your goat, so don't forget Uncle 
Mario Goveia today - 18 March - it's his birthday! If you love him, send him a 
bite of the AIG bonus millions, if you can't stand the dude, at least change 
the birthday boy's diapers! 
Happy birthday, Uncle Mario!

------------- selma

Oh dear, like so many Goan men, he liked his girls a little young huh? :-) I 
can't help but admire him though, because for a Goan in the 1800s to do what he 
did was quite amazing.

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