From: Mario Goveia

I am surprised Gilbert is advocating chicken soup... The underrepresented
Rooster Soup Association of Goa would like to know.

Chicken soup came from Goa
23 Apr: Paladar (Brazil).  When the Portuguese conquered  Goa in 1510 they
found that the locals ate a rice broth called congee … the Portuguese
introduced chicken as well as other meats and fish to it … congee was
usually consumed at breakfast and given to patients, convalescents and women
after childbirth… In Japan there is a similar dish, the okayu … The most
convincing proof that chicken soup originated in Goa is in the book
“Colóquio dos Simples e Drogas e Coisas Medicinais da Índia” written by
Garcia de Orta in Goa in 1563…  

For the Portuguese original of the article, 854 words, go to,chega-de-conversa-a-c

For a machine translation, go to

If you have problems with the links go to the photo gallery at

Eddie Fernandes

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