From: "Santosh Helekar" <>
--- On Mon, 4/27/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza <> wrote:

In medical science there is not yet a cure for cancer, as you know.

This is a myth that has been propagated by lay people, journalists and old-fashioned out-of-touch doctors who have not bothered to keep track of how modern evidence-based scientific medicine has progressed over the past two or three decades. The following cancers are now completely curable even in advanced stages:

Choriocarcinoma (placenta)
Testicular cancer (testicle)
Acute lymphoid leukemia in children (blood)
Large cell lymphoma (lymphoid tissue)
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (blood)
Burkitt's lymphoma (lymphoid tissue)
Hodgkin's disease (lymphoid tissue)
Ewing's sarcoma (bone)
Rhabdomyosarcoma (muscle)
Wilm's tumor (kidney)

In addition, many other cancers, including certain types of lung and breast cancers, are curable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages with modern scientific medical treatments.

***This would be beneficial for our scientific 'beliefs'. But the reality is totally different. There is not cure for such advanced stages of cancer, we had always a defeat. Miracles will be rare. Most people die of cancer. A young man died of leukemia after all the modern treatment and expensive surgery. Hodgkin's disease is incurable. It is a pity that Dr.Santosh is not an oncologist. He would have cured all types of cancer, both at advanced and early stages, with 'faith' in scientific discoveries and peer-reviewed and double-blind controlled, evidenced medicine... Dr.Ernesto Borges gave palliative medication and provided surgery for thousands of cancer patients (really wonderful oncologist and surgeon that he was), but he himself died of 'incurable cancer'. Even diagnosis of cancer in its asymptomatic stage is quite a problem. At last, we should accept the limits of Medicine. There is no cure of cancer so far. Modern Western medicine and homeopathy, and adjunct chicken soup therapy, as well as sincere existential faith in God and prayer, can help the patient in the pains and agony of such an illness... It cannot cure...unfortunately...

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