Sun Apr 26 22:20:20 PDT 2009
Ulla Quiterio wrote:

Indians (Goans) in Europe, Canada, USA, etc are called "Pakis" and other racist 

Mario responds:

The comment above is pure poppycock.  I have no idea what they call Indians or 
Goans in Europe or Canada, but in 38 years of living in the US I have never 
heard of any white American use the term "Pakis" or any other derogatory racist 
words for Indians or Goans, with the exception of Sen. George Allen's stupid 
"macaca" reference for which he was severely punished by Virginia voters in the 
subsequent election.  Most Americans respect Indians in the USA.

Ulla wrote:

We think that racist acts are committed only by white men only.

Mario responds:

Perhaps those who are ignorant may think so, but they should know that 
discrimination based purely on an accident of birth was invented by Indians, 
5,000 years ago, and some Goan Catholics still cling to the pretense that they 
belong to some mythical caste.

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