Thanks Mervyn,

That is very good to know.

May be the GOA should consider highlighting (on the various fora) the
achievements of Goans living in Canada. I know of a number of Goans
who are contributing a lot to Canadian society. But all we hear on GN
is about dances, picnics and a lot of 'hoop-la'.

I wish you guys all the best in the endeavour noted by you infra.


Mervyn Lobo wrote:

The G.O.A. of Toronto has about a million dollars worth of cash and
land. Some years ago, they secured a property for a club house/playing
fields but got side tracked when the provincial govt re-zoned the area
where the property is.  The property will soon to be re-zoned (again)
and perhaps this time we will get luckier. There is a dedicated team
working on the issue.

There are some great Goans groups in Toronto. The next time you make a
trip to Toronto, give me a few days advanced notice and I will
introduce you to some very progressive/popular people.

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