Selma Carvalho:  JC,  The North Goa seat did go to the BJP.

Dear Selma, I did not expect North Goa to go anywhere else - not in 2009.

However, as my earlier post noted:  Salcete (South Goa) did elect a
BJP - a few years  ago - before the Modi and co came on the scene.

My comment was in response to this from you to JoeGoaUK (who appears
to be an anonymous BJP supporter). You, Selma noted that " hell will
freeze over before South  Goans elect BJP"

It is my understanding that in 1999, Ramakant Angle (BJP) was elected
as the MP from South Goa.

In 1998, Aires Rodrigues (whom I liked immensely till he became what
he is today) suggested in a trans-Atlantic telephone call that I join
him and work to elect the BJP in South Goa.

I suggested to him then (i.e. 1998) that politicians are users. They
are not the type of company educated individuals should  keep. I also
suggested to Aires that the BJP would use him and dump him - as soon
as his usefulness is past.

Anyway ....I have digressed.

All this .... to suggest that in 1999 ....Hell (not even the extremely
filthy and slumified Margao gardens) froze over after Ramakant Angle
(BJP) was elected from South Goa.


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