Gabriel  and  Samir,
I happened to be watching last night on the Overseas Service of BBC- TV an enlightening segment on Iraq where a BBC TV correspondent was getting the views of average middle class educated Iraquis on the state of their nation ,about 8 years after the much revered USA president Mr. G.W. Bush decided that he must have regime change then and introduced the old concept of " democracy ". Speaking to a female university lecturer who said ... ...." Mr. Bush may have had great zeal in bringing us his western -style democracy..........but he brought us more pain and suffering. Under Mr Saddam , our former president who we knew was a military dictator......the poor people had had enough to eat and low level of medical care. Now under the patronage and occupation of the all-powerful USA we have hungry poor and the introduction of corruption among our own Iraqui officials in the Home and Defence ministries who charge the common people enormous bribe money to effect a simple transaction that was speedily done and bribe-free in Saddam`s regime. If a young man wants to join the army or the police, for example , he has to be prepared to pay an entry bribe to concerned officials of the equivalent of $ 500 (US)." Now , one may ask me what the above has to do with Goa ? Visiting Goa in November 2005 , I was assured by old residents around Mapusa and Candolim that if a suitably qualified University graduate wanted to join the Goa State Police service in the officer cadre he had be prepared to pay a bribe to the relevant recruiting officers of the minimum of 2 lakh rupees. Naturally, on appointment to a suitable post he worked towards recouping his " entry fee" by extorting from citizens or the constables under him. Would any police officer at high position in Goa deny this happens ? The I-G of Goa State police will , of course , feign ignorance of the situation or any complicity in such dealings .........but one wonders on hearing of such standard operating procedures how endemic the corruption that has crept in from India since 1961 has become in Goa......................... whether it is under the patronage of the Congress govt.........who kow-tow the Party High command in Delhi........or the more innovative goans in Goa who find a quick way to make a buck.
Samir Kelekar wrote:
Gabriel writes:

How many cases of deaths have not been closed as ‘suicidal’ or ‘accidental’ >in 
the annals of Goa’s police records?

Given what is happening today in Goa with Mahanand confessing to 9 murders,
indeed every case of accident and/or suicide in all Goan police stations
in the last 20 years has to be thoroughly looked at again. Who knows --- they 
could all be
murders and the lazy Goan police just shut the cases down saying it is
an accident or suicide.


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