Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 03:51:32 -0400
From: Joe Lobo <>

I  happened  to  be  watching  last  night  on  the  Overseas Service  
of  BBC- TV an   enlightening  segment on  Iraq  where  a BBC   TV  
correspondent  was  getting  the  views  of  average  middle  class  
educated  Iraquis on the  state   of  their  nation ,about  8  years  
after  the  much  revered  USA  president  Mr.  G.W. Bush  decided  
that  he  must  have  regime   change  then and  introduced  the   old   
concept  of  "  democracy ".  Speaking  to   a  female  university 
lecturer who  said ...  ...." Mr.  Bush may  have  had  great  zeal in  
bringing  us  his  western -style  democracy..........but  he  brought  
us  more  pain  and    suffering.  Under  Mr  Saddam  , our  former  
president  who  we  knew  was  a  military  dictator......the  poor  
people  had  had  enough  to  eat  and    low  level  of  medical  
care.  Now  under  the  patronage  and  occupation of  the  
all-powerful  USA  we  have  hungry  poor and  the  introduction  of  
corruption  among   our  own  Iraqui  officials in  the  Home    and  
Defence  ministries  who   charge  the  common  people  enormous  bribe  
money  to  effect  a  simple transaction  that  was  speedily done  and  
bribe-free in Saddam`s  regime.  If a  young  man  wants  to  join  the  
army  or  the  police,  for    example , he  has  to  be  prepared  to  
pay  an  entry  bribe  to  concerned officials of  the   equivalent of   
$ 500 (US)."

Mario responds:

This is more selective reporting by the BBC which has supported the tyranny of 
Saddam Hussein from the beginning with relentless propaganda against the 

The US gave Iraq an epic opportunity for freedom and democracy, peace and 
prosperity, by removing Saddam's heavy heel from the necks of the Iraqi nation, 
and did so in less than a month in 2003 with minimum casualties.

What happend next was the Iraqis turning against each other in sectarian 
violence while the US-led coalition has been helping the Iraq government to 
stop the mayhem and train them to handle their own security.

There is no "occupation" since the coalition forces have been invited to be 
there by the Iraqi government to help secure Iraq's nascent democracy.

The corruption will have to be corrected by the Iraqi people through their own 
electoral and legal systems.

Any comparison between Iraq and the corruption in Goa is patently absurd.

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