Mario, finally you prove how off-center (philosophically and mentally) you are. 
At first I thought your obnoxiousness was towards Goans in general; as 
reflected by your posts on goanet.  More recently, I suspected you are vile to 
everybody who does not have your bias.  You proved me right, and you took the 
cake. You are obnoxious towards your own views - that is if you have any. 
Instead of knowing the issues, all we get from you are angry, 
contemptuous assertions.

I provided a link to a post (see below).  Now you could not state, that my 
writing is confusing.  I am not sure that you read the post - though obviously 
you opened the link.  You go on to abuse the alleged author with words like 
"the most ignorant and biased bloggers in America" and ... then "far left wing 
advocate for the homosexual community and knows about as much as you do about 
economics."  The fact is that Andrew Sullivan, who you assumed was the author 
of the post, is not the author.  That is how much you pay attention to what you 
read and respond to.

The author of the post is Richard Posner and not Andrew Sullivan. And Richard 
Posner knows a lot more of economics than you.  His book "A Failure of 
Capitalism: The Crisis of '08 and the Descent into Depression" should be out 
shortly.  In 1981, President Reagan nominated Richard Posner to the U.S. Court 
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, in Chicago. So that is how "ignorant" and 
"left wing advocate" Posner is!
From Wikipedia: Richard Allen Posner is currently a judge on the United States 
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago and a Senior Lecturer at 
the University of Chicago Law School. He is an influential figure in the law 
and economics movement.,+Richard+Allen

Despite your lofty statements on goanet, for you to raise in a degrading 
manner, the (alleged)  author's stand on homosexuality,  in a discussion of 
economics, reflects your extreme views of other human beings, with whom you may 
not agree.  Shame on you!  I thought you are intelligent. Instead of 
concentrating on the contents of the post, of which you understood very little, 
you went after an unrelated issue - the author's alleged resume.  Well that is 

After this, it will make me sick to dialog with you.  You are beyond the pale 
of human decency. I am joining the vast majority of goanetters to place you on 
my 'do not dialog list'.

Regards, GL

------------- Mario respnds

It continues to amaze me how you find and follow the most ignorant and biased 
bloggers in America.  Andrew Sullivan is a far left wing advocate for the 
homosexual community and knows about as much as you do about economics.

He obviously has no idea that the roots of the current financial crisis are in 
the Community Reinvestment Act, supported mostly by Democrats from Carter to 
Clinton to Obama, which tried to subvert capitalism by using government 
regulations to force banks to lower their credit standards to lend to low 
income home buyers.

 -------------- Gilbert wrote:

Yet, as I look at it, it is another example of Americans blaming somebody-else.

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