Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 03:38:31 +0530
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha * ???????? ????????

TO: Sapna Sahani:

I would not lump all "outsiders or tourists" in one basket. 

Among the 'outsiders' (I don't like this term, and wouldn't like to be
called an 'outsider' anywhere on the planet or even on Mars!) are
people who are deeply interested in Goa.

Even assuming everything incorporated in the Black Legend of the
Inquisition in Goa is true -- more on Dellon, Buchanan and Priolkar in
a future mail -- why would the visitors, specially the tourist, bother
about it? 

To Jason Keith Fernandes:

For sure you managed to put the cocky Jason Keith Fernandes on the
defensive for once. Haha :-) FN

Mario observes:


Nice to see you finally join this thread - albeit far too late to make any 
original points that have not already been made in response to Sapna Sahani 
poking this hornet's nest with a verbal stick:-))

BTW, why would you question "why" anyone bothers with anything?  Aren't they 
free to bother with anything they choose to?

Now that Thomas Madden implausibly tells us, "The Inquisition was not born out 
of desire to crush diversity or oppress people; it was rather an attempt to 
stop unjust executions." [snicker:-))], perhaps we will get the support of JC, 
Jason, Joao, Ignatius, Eddie and anyone else who was upset at Sapna's original 
question to support setting up an Inquisition section in the St. Francis of 
Assisi Church that has been turned into a Museum adjacent to Se Cathedral:-))

Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 07:20:46 +0530
From: "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" <>

I've long wondered over the identity and ideology of a small set of people who 
have shaped the globe's understanding of the Goa Inquisition. Recently, coming 
across more critical views[1] that challenges our traditional understanding of 
the Inquisition only made one more puzzled.

Mario observes:


See how it works in an open forum?  The snide responses to your original 
question, which took umbrage at a "non-Goan" reminding us about this dark 
period in Goan Christian history, has generated more discussion about the 
Inquisition than you probably bargained for:-))

  • ... eric pinto
  • ... Venantius Pinto
  • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Sapna Shahani
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
  • ... Dr. U. G. Barad
  • ... Venantius Pinto
  • ... mgoveia
  • ... Joao Barros-Pereira
  • ... mgoveia
  • ... mgoveia

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