Dy. Collector, Talathi,  Head Clerk  suspended.
The then Dy. Collection of Pernem Mr. Agnelo Fernandes placed 
under suspension for his alleged involvement  in the sale of Govt. land at 
Ashvem/Mandrem to a Panjim based  Party (Anton D’Souza and his 16 successors).
Earlier, the Talathi and the Heard Clerk were also suspended in this connection.
The suspended officers are Senior Head Clerk Sadashiv Redkar and Talathi 
Gulshan Harmalkar
It was found that that nearly 84,387 sq mtrs of government land along with the 
land of a private party, both admeasuring about 2.25 lakh sq mtrs, were 
illegally entered in the name of one Anton D’Souza and his 16 successors. The 
value of the land is over Rs.5000/sq.mtr
On 25th june 2009, Dy. Collector gave his order to include names of all the 
legal heirs of  Mr. Antonio and the whole mutaltion process was completed in 
less than 15 days by the Talathi and the head clerk
Source: Goan Dailies dtd 1st  and 8 July 2009 
JoeGoaUk says:
 Mutation entry in less than 15 days?
 Very interesting!.
We have purchased a piece of land (400 sqmtr) from our very own bhatkars.
Applied for Mutation last August.  Served notices and also gave newspaper 
publication in Sept/Oct.  Made numerous visits  to Panjim Office. They said the 
file is with the CI since October 2008. We been chasing this CI (Sagar) for 
more then 3 months  we never met  this guy.  Decided to see the Mamlatdar 
(Mahadev). We asked-  Your officer/CI  holding our file for then 3 months, is 
it not too long? He replied ‘ no, it’s not too long’. However, he was kind 
enough to phone the CI on his mobile saying some guys waiting to see you in 
your office.  We waited more than one hour.  We went outside to take a fresh 
air.  In the mean time the CI comes in around 5 and he was already told by his 
colleagues that some guys went to see Mamladtar..
WE saw/met him for the first time, when asked, why it is taking such a long 
time? He asked us to give the file No. and soon he said come and see talathi 
tomorrow. It was so quick that we really felt relieved saying to ourselves 
‘Going to Mamlatdar works’
Come next day,  upon enquiry at the Talathi, to our surprise they say the CI 
returned the file with remark ‘Notices not served properly’. 
We said’ what? 
If notice were not sent properly, why then we were advised to give newspaper 
publication? Blaming the officer, they said ‘you better ask this to CI’  
Back to CI, he is not there despited visiting him several times.
Reluctantly, fresh notices served, two months now and our work still remains 
If you complain, they can do anything thing.
If you don’t pay them (bribe) they can take ages.
It seems they all go hand in hand as if they all get percentage of such 
illgotton money or bribe.
Above Ashvem/Mandrem case:
Mutation process takes about 45 days  (As per Citizen Charter) after the all 
the formalities up to news paper publication?. 
It involves file entry, serving Registered AD notices, wait for two weeks and 
if not all the notices AD come back or one or more come back saying ‘refused’ 
or ‘addresse not known’ or ‘house closed’ or ‘incomplete address’ etc  then the 
Talati gives a printed notice to be published on local daily. Then wait for 
another 15 days. 
The file will now go to CI (Circle Inspector) who is sitting under the same 
roof as Talathi or the Mamlatdar.  After the CI, the file moves to their ‘Sir’ 
when asked who is the Sir?
It’s Mamlatdar. There is not set time as to how long each officer should keep a 
file with him or her.  Mamlatdar can take his own time and there  be some 
elections or by-elections to the panchayat, Zila, Assembly or Parliament then 
it can take months.
(by paying bribe, you could get your work done in less than 15 days as in above 
 Ashvem/Mandrem case)
If the Dy. Collector, Talathi and Head Clerk are suspended then what about the 
Circle Officer? And what about the Mamlatdar? Without whose approval no entries 
can be made in the mutation
Since the land area in Lakhs of sq metrs,  the involvement of  local MLA or the 
minister cannot be ruled out.
Mr. Digambar, I hate you when you keep saying your Govt if for AAM AADMI
Dhek tere aam aadmi ki halat.
Nothing works w/o bribe.
I am also forwarding this to the New Chief Secretary who upon taking on new 
charge, has assured bringing in sweeping changes in the administration.
Also copying to Goan dailies



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