Albert writes:- The Bible teaches us about the word of God. I shall write a 
brief account of what I can find in the Bible. The Genisis tells us that God 
wants us to increase and multiply. In Exodus God gave Moses the ten 
commandments in which the very first commandment tells us that God is 
omnipotent and Power and no source on earth or anywhere can be placed with God 
on par. The fourth commandment tells us that we should honour our parents and 
so on. The Proverbs teaches us how to bring ourselves and our children up in 
this world. It teaches us the way of life on earth. In Isaiash we come to know 
what power God has and what are His likes and dislikes. The Psalms teaches us 
the way to bind ourselves with God. As Christians do we build our homes on 
solid rocks or in sand ? If we want to build our homes on solid rock we ought 
to have a relationship with God the Father. Many times our Christian brothers 
want to spread the word of God. We have not allowed them to spread the good 
news of Jesus Christ. Then how can we call ourselves Christians ? How can we 
plan to reach Heaven and occupy it if we do not know Christ ? Have we build our 
homes on the foundation of God ? Do we have any relationship with God or are we 
mere baptised Christians who are mere like the scribes and pharises ? The 
Scribes and Pharises had the scroll of rules with them but they did not have a 
human heart. They did not see the circumstances under which a particular person 
sinned. God's judgment is entirely a different judgment and what we as human 
beings think as a sinful living is not so with God and while our hearts are 
filled with dirt, let not our lips chant the prayers  praising God for God only 
sees our hearts and not what comes out from our lips.Your life should be what 
God wants it to be and not what you show to the world it is. 
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