--- On Tue, 7/14/09, Con Menezes <cmene...@tpg.com.au> wrote:

> It is a term used for a " cup" , a tin  cup
> (container) at that!
> The Portuguese used it derogatively  in
> Mozambique  to refer it to Goans!
> All that Canarim bit and Kanara etc are far from what the
> intended word  was meant 
> to be by the users.
> There you have it!!!   Absolutely verified!
> Con 
Now here is an important clue. Menezes says that it was used in Mozambique for 
Goans. It is specific to Goans or references of it would exist in Brazil, etc. 
So the possibility infact becomes more that its origin might have been the word 
Canarin, later to become a racial slur. 

Similarly, the word "mal hindi" in the Gulf, benignly means "from India" but 
within one generation, it has become a racial slur for the Arabs. 

The word "nigger" is a corruption of "negra" the word simply denoting the race. 
The British first used it as a slur for their colonial subjects but later on it 
gained even greater notoriety in America when it was used for their slaves, 
especially referring to runaway slaves. Today ofcourse the word is banned on 
television and all civil discourse. Rap musicians have tried to take back the 
word by incorporating it in their music. Following the infamous episode where 
Don Imus, got fired for using several racial slurs on television, leaders in 
the Africa-American community have taken on the rap industry for regressing 
Africa-America culture.

Still the word, canecos is so similar to mug, that it indeed might have meant a 
common European colloquial usage of the word mug, meaning stupid or a fool.

So the jury is still out there. We must get onto a Portuguese website to fathom 
what they meant :-)) 


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