
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Goanet highlights by Selma Carvalho

It was a young Herman Caneiro and a team of disparate
interested Goans (and expats) from across the world who first
set up a fledging internet mailing list so as to, if rumour
is anything to go by, meet young Goan women across the world.
That was fifteen years ago, this week, as Goanet celebrates
its 15th anniversary. Today, meeting women is from removed
from being a motivating factor in joining what is possibly
Goa's most prestigious mailing list, having amongst its
members doctors, scientists, writers, historians, activists
and politicians. It has become an invaluable tool for
networking, keeping in touch with the Diasporic Goan
community, bouncing off ideas and generating some noteworthy
projects. It is the equivalent of the tinto in cyberspace.
Dr. Herman Carneiro -- now with a string of degrees behind
his name, MBBS MSc DLSHTM -- sends us a message on this

Phillip Thomas was one of those rare things --  civil on a
public internet forum. Although, I never knew him in real
life, he was as real to me as if I had. He was eloquent,
intelligent and in a very genuine way progressive. Goa was
his adopted home, although I doubt he ever thought of it as
adopted. We didn't often see it on Goanet, as he was not
given to boasting about himself, but he was part of a
dedicated taskforce chosen to re-engineer Goa. Sadly he
passed away this week. May his soul rest in peace. Frederick
Noronha, gives us more details.

Nigel Britto gives us an intimate view of a night at the

Vivek Menezes gives us more on the same theme:

Lino Dourado writes his Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Nanv-vostem
Kalakarak Chorlem Teddnam...

Dominic Fernandes, author of 2007 book "Dominic's Goa" that
describes in print for posterity the stories of a Goa that
existed five decades ago, tells us his views on the
desecration of religious idols and places.

Antonio Menezes ponders on the metamorphosis of the Goan
women within the last century.

A controversial post titled Swines and Swindon about
the recent Goan emigrants that have settled in Swindon, UK,
came in for a lot of flak.

The original post by Xembub Moiderkar:

Jose Colaco:

Alfred Tavares:

Valmiki Faleiro continues in his series about Goan

One of the hot topics lately in the news is the matter of
Church properties and who exactly has jurisdiction over them.
Frederick Noronha plays devil's advocate to the topic.

Vivek Menezes wonders if we are at a cultural crossroads in
Goa, and whether our destiny is being shaped by our own
version of the Taliban.

An excellent glimpse into the much forgotten Goan community
in Karachi was provided in an essay by the Lt. Gen. Vas, an
extract from his book. The General passed away last week.

Jason Keith Fernandes, examines the impact of the Hindutva
birthing project in Goa.

A long contentious debate in Goa has been whether primary
education should be imparted in English. Nissar Dias writes
about what he sees as the dangers of language chauvinism.

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