
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


In the light of the Prime Ministers "PERVASIVE  corruption warning, at
the Anti Corruption Meeting being held in Delhi,and the Supreme Court
stating inter alia: "Affluent people and those having support of
political and executive apparatus of State have constructed in blatant
violation of the municipal and town planning laws,master plans etc. In
most cases of illegal or unauthorised constructions, the officers of
regulatory bodies turn a blind eye either due to influence or other
extraneous reasons".More importantly, on a Minister's file noting for
regularization of illegally constructed sports club , Justices Mr.
Aggarwal and Mr. Singhvi ruled "By no stretch of imagination such
noting be treated as a decision of the government which is sanctified
only when it is issued in the name of the President or Governor in
accordance with Article7(2),or 166(2) of the Constitution".The
authorities are not only flouting laws and rules, but have also become
arrogant doing so with impunity. They have also found that "Where
There Is a Bill,There Is A Way". Who will bell the Big  Cats? This
will  have to be the peoples Kargill !

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