
              August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Someone must commend me for being absolutely and truly consistent in what I have been saying since December 6, 1992, when Lal Krishna Advani was at the helm of leading a pack of Karsevak hooligans into Ayodhya to demolish the centuries old monument of India, the Babri Masjid, that Advani deserves to be locked into a darkest cell in the Tihar Jail and not be seated on the throne of India's Prime Minister.

Pandits have gone on record to say that this destruction was uncalled for, for the very reason that the Babri Masjid was the shell, the outside architectural structure, but in all essence it was the Ram Temple inside. This could have been the pivoting example of the coexistence in perfect harmony of the two major communities, the Hindus and the Muslims. But no. L.K. Advani was consumed with passion to sit on the chair of India's Prime Minister. To hell with communal harmony. To hell with Muslims, Hindus and Christians. To hell with ideology. L.K. Advani must march towards his life-time goal... the Prime Ministership of India. And he knew too well that igniting the passion within the ignorant hearts of common men, he would realize his ultimate goal. Therefore he made use of anything and everything, anyone and everyone, including the Liberhan Commission which took 17 years to indict him and others.

Jaswant Singh has today let the cat out of the official bag. That, in his madness to be the Prime Minister of India, Advani has made terrible, terrible mistakes. Advani, today, the broken man that he is, must be deafened to hear his own words echoing in his inner mind, publicly spoken at Mahim, Bombay, way back in 1966. 'MAIM YEH DESHKA PRADHAN MANTRI BANKE HI RAHUNGA'. Though it is too late, Advani must realize that most prized things come one's way only if one is least expecting them or being least bothered about them but unknowingly does everything to deserve them. He must envy Manmohan Singh who must have never even dreamt in his faintest of dreams that one day he will be leading this nation as its Prime Minister, twice over.

The Goa Su-Raj Party is however saddened today to realize that the only opposition to the vile Congress regime has evaporated in thin air. It is not the RSS or the VHP or the Bajrang Dal or the Shiv Sena or the HJS or the Sanathan Saunstha that is responsible for this catastrophe. The blame lies with Advani and Advani alone. Today, thanks to Advani's consuming passion to be India's Prime Minister, he has handed over the reins of this rich but impoverished nation in the hands of men of straw as Sir Winston Churchill had predicted in 1947, will happen. It was inevitable that BJP would bite the dust, eventually, since it never possessed its own true political ideology. It was on borrowed ideology of a Hindu Rashtra which would never work because Hinduism had never imposed itself on anyone at any time. It has been more of a way of life than a hard core religion of edicts and punishments. But that it should evaporate in thin air the moment it suffered a humiliating defeat at the hustings, is unimaginable. The tall talks of it making a come back in the aftermath of Advani's demise, is a laughing matter altogether. As long as its umbilical cord is attached to its master, the RSS, this will never come to pass. In this complex nation, core politics and religion will never mix like oil not mixing with water. But it is insulting to think that the BJP should go leaving the Congress all powerful and almighty for us weaklings to chip at its amour of super corruption and arrogance, there being only one exception and that being Dr. Manmohan Singh. Sorry Sir, if we have hurt your sentiments. Nevertheless, we do know that you have long since realised that you are a fish out of water.

Today, Advani must realize, that he has, wittingly or unwittingly, followed into the foot-steps of yet another man who, in his passion to be India's first Prime Minister, killed this mega nation through the partition, the blame of which is sadly being shoved on the shoulders of the man who had hardly anything remotely to do with it except perhaps harbour the ego of being the first Prime Minister of the whole, unsplintered India, for a short while, Allah permitting. And what the father of the nation should not have agreed at all cost is the partition. It is said that the last words uttered by him were 'HEY RAM' . Could he have been accepting the bullet to absolve himself of the terrible guilty of agreeing to divide the nation he worked so hard to free when he uttered those two words? We shall never know.

In all of this drama called the BJP, that lasted for a better part of almost four decades, it is saddening to note that there was not a single Jashwant Singh in the entire organization to behead the serpent that one day would devour itself.

floriano lobo
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party

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