
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Albert writes:- We have been so used to go to an allopath without realizing 
that he subcribes chemicals which are harmful to us. God has given us so many 
plants but we feel it is outdated method of taking these medicines. The best 
medicine for cold is -take a piece of ginger smash it nicely put it in four 
glass of water along with some few tulsi leaves boil and drink. Tumeric powder 
is a good antiseptic if put on a bleeding wound stops bleeding. Tumeric powder 
mixed with hot milk helps to cure dry cough. Cinnamon powder mixed with honey 
and taken early in the mornings help cure diabetes. Honey given to children 
helps to build resistance. Cut onion finely add one tablespoon of sugar keep it 
in a vessel with a heavy weight over it and in the morning drink only one 
teaspoonful of onion syrup cures cold. Smash onion and put the juice over your 
head and body cures flu.Boil hot water with jeera and cut onions and dip your 
legs and feet in that boiling water will cure your fever. Fo
 r bronchitis take an empty glass put a cotton piece at the mouth and burn it 
and as it burns place the glass on the person's back and allow the flesh to 
swell up inside the glass and wait till the glass falls by itself. Do it for 
the whole body leaving out the spinal cord. Remove indoors for one day and see 
the result. All these medicines have no side effects and if taken in excess 
does not harm you.

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