Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:46:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo <>

Obama's win has led to one super reward for me. My Texan in-laws, all 
Republicans, have had their lives changed by this man, the product of the loins 
of an E. African.

Mario observes:

Texan in-laws?  Mervyn, whose well documented ignorance of the US I am forced 
to expose and correct time and time again on Goanet, has Texan in-laws?

Saiba boggus!  How can this be?  Or is this some Freudian reason why Mervyn 
hates the US so much causing him to horribly distort so many facts about the 

I wonder if these allegedly Republican Texan in-laws know the abject poppycock 
Mervyn routinely writes about the US on Goanet?

Mervyn wrote:

Earlier this year, the in-laws decided that the entire family needed to 
experience to the environment that nurtured this exciting new US President, and 
his fore-parents. I was asked to accompany them in what I expect is a 
pilgrimage, even though there is no talk of this.

Mario responds:

Here is yet another classic example of the pathetic ignorance about all things 
American that I mentioned above.

Everyone with even a minimal knowledge of Obama knows by now that Obama's 
Kenyan father was a reprobate and moral rolling stone and abandoned Obama's 
Caucasian mother when he was an infant.  Obama's mother then married an 
Indonesian man and they spent a few years in Indonesia, where a school 
application form describes the boy as a Muslim.  This relationship didn't last 
very long either, and Obama was shuttled off to Hawaii and brought up mostly by 
his white grandparents in Hawaii, who were good people, which is basically what 
saved him. 

Somehow, Mervyn doesn't seem to know any of this.  I wonder if his allegedly 
Republican Texan in-laws know.

Mervyn wrote:

In a few hours, I meet up with the rest of the in-laws and head out to witness, 
experience and explain to them, the environment that shaped Obama.

Mario responds:

Saiba boggus, again!  Talk about the blind leading the blind.

As we see from the facts, as opposed to Mervyn's fantasies, other than his 
complexion, Obama was not shaped by anything Kenyan.

However, if Mervyn gets to see this post before it's too late, I would like him 
to show his Texan in-laws the slums and the squalor that Obama's Kenyan 
grandmother and half-brother live in, whereas he and his family live in the lap 
of luxury in the White House, blissfully unconcerned about helping his Kenyan 

Perhaps the Texan in-laws will begin to realize exactly what Obama's REAL 
character is like where his Kenyan relatives are concerned, where this American 
multi-millionaire a) cannot help his Kenyan relatives with a few bucks a year 
which is all that it would take, or b) give ME their address, which I have 
requested numerous times, so that I could stand up for the US on his behalf and 
send them the few bucks that is all they need to turn their lives around.

Can anyone imagine Manmohan Singh allowing his close relatives to live in 
jhopdis in Dharavi, even before he became Prime Minister?

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