Mario Goveia wrote:

> *Oscar, Mervyn, Joao, and Gabe, PLEASE keep it up:-))

2009/10/17 Cajetan Alvares <>:

> Mario is just jealous that 'Goiyo Bush' did not receive any accolade, 
> except that he is a shoe dodging No 1 idiot, and has something common 
> with fish. - Fish Brain (fish and humans can co-exist)

Mario responds:

I think we can add Cajetan to the list of those above who continue to fawn over 
President Obama out of total ignorance about what he stands for, while the IOC 
makes a fool of him, the enemies of the US laugh at him, and his popularity 
within the US continues its steady decline as he tries to make the US as weak 
and feckless as Europe.

Keep it up, guys.

Regarding who is an idiot, I think a good definition is someone who confuses 
childish abuse, slander and name calling with intelligent commentary.  Only 
those who are similarly uninformed are impressed with this.

Goanetters can read the comment above about Bush and make up their own minds. 

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