From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <>
Ashley as soon as we get healthcare reform passed in Washington, DC, I will come down to Goa. Then I will hire a taxi to take you, your family and your friends to take you from your home to your family-doctor (whose clinic is likely at the village tinto) for a cancer check-up.
***Dr.Gilbert, we need you here. You may not be able to "cure" any case of cancer with radiotherapy (or surgery or chemotherapy), but at least you will be able to comfort cancer patients with your humanity and objectivity. After my discussion on cancer, where I was unfortunately called "ignoramus" by a neuroscientist and a surgeon, I am hearing of cancer cases in and around Margao, some in the first stage, others in late stages, all are "incurable" (in spite of new drugs), according to the qualified physicians, even of high standard medical colleges and hospitals. Dr.Anil Desai may be able to "cure" them with surgery... If you could be of help to assess their diagnosis, it would be a great asset for us. Our 'anecdotal evidence" would become "scientific, peer-reviewed evidence"... You are an authority on cancer, we do accept your verdict...

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