From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <>
Arre saaiba Ivo,
You had a better tongue-in-cheek reply to me, than the one I gave Ashley. You bowled a googley with your post. You want me to trade the home-made cookies, cakes, canoli, chocolates and chocolate-covered-strawberries, and wine which patients here bring us daily; for the Goan 'appurbaen- made' chorrisso, sanna, bibiq, ladoos, halwa and feni? Perhaps you replied on behalf of yourself and Ashley. Do you want me to come to Goa to hold your hands while you-guys are getting the prostate checked for cancer? I heard the good doctors check the prostate with two fingers ... to get a second opinion. And in the case of women the polite doctors always say, "At your cervix ... er.. er.. service". On a more serious note as far as cancer screening and treatment, I can only leave you and others with a useful quote which likely you know:
Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
~ St. Francis of Assisi
***"Are Ixtta, supurlya Goynkara, tum huxar". You seem to be homesick, Goa-loving, "niz-khoro Goynkar"... You are smart enough to understand what I meant by calling you back to Goa. You can seriously, scientifically verify what I am stating and continue to state from my observation and experience, though I am being called "scientifically illiterate" and "ignoramus" by some experts... It is being confirmed everyday among our people around. Deaths from cancer are galore... I do not know how the oncologists examine over here, with two or four fingers...

---------- Ivo da C.Souza

Dr.Gilbert, we need you here. You may not be able to "cure" any case of cancer with radiotherapy (or surgery or chemotherapy), but at least you will be able to comfort cancer patients with your humanity and objectivity.

------- From: Gilbert Lawrence

Ashley as soon as we get healthcare reform passed in Washington, DC, I will come down to Goa.... hire a taxi for you, your family and friends to take you to the family-doctor (whose clinic is likely at the village tinto) for a cancer check-up. Is there anything more I can do for you?:=))

------------ Ashley D'silva

There has to be follow up Gilbert. Saying, suggesting is all good but gets nullified if there is no action. Ashley

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