Dear Brother(Albert) in Christ,

But, Jesus said the one who want to be the first should be the servant of all. 
Priests are the images of the Jesus Christ who was the true servant.  Priest, 
he was still an young man he choose to be the servant of all and not to have 
luxurious quality life but to tell the people in high quality life there is no 
presence of God.

Because, today we are experts to explore the world with our intelligence we 
fail to 
follow the very Holy scriptures.  We prefer to listen any preacher but not 
our things with others on the other hand we resisted to learn the word by 
and since we want to be known by others we identify this way.

I should look my family line if involved to contaminate the church i.e. if my 
was, my wife and sister and my daughter will be modestly dressed in the church.

Let's speak what we contributed to the church to keep as a HOLY place for 
worship as 
how it was maintained by our illiterate ancestors.  Otherwise we are the people 
rebelled against God slaughtered the priests (1 kings 19 : 15 - 18.


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