To Goanet -

My response to Dr. Oscar Rebello's lies has been published
in the Dec 31, 2009, issue of Herald.  (There is also one more
letter in support of Rebello authored by a coward unwilling 
to sign his/her name.)  Below is the complete unedited letter.  
The published version can be seen here -

Dr Oscar Rebello's response (Herald, Dec 30) to my letter is riddled 
with falsehoods.  Consider these facts 3 years after GBA.  (1) Construction 
activity has increased, mega-projects have spread.  (2) Land conversion 
continues unabated.  (3) Hills, forests, and fields continue to be depleted.  
(4) New mining leases have multiplied. (5) Criminal nexus between
builders, miners and politicos is stronger than ever before.

Where exactly in all this does Oscar believe he has done "bachao" of Goa?  
In the face of damning evidence, he insists that GBA has "succeeded" 
in its "important mission."  He must be living in an alternate reality.

Oscar writes that aligning with the Opposition would have meant 
going political.  But when he "danced footsie" (his words) with the ruling 
party, wasn't that political?  The GBA was constituted to defend Goa 
against builders and politicians intent on destroying our land and 
future.  Who gave GBA the mandate to sit on committees appointed by 
the same government it was created to fight?  From its inception, some 
members of GBA were cosy with builders and politicians.  Yet Oscar 
willfully kept chanting the phony "we-are-apolitical" mantra.

Oscar implies that Soter D'Souza and I have advocated violence against 
migrants, foreigners and muslims.  This is a dirty lie.  We have never
done so.  What I oppose is the unchecked influx of migrants.  Goa has 
limited land and resources, and if we are to preserve our identity, our 
quality of life, we cannot have millions streaming in.  Do we want to 
turn Goa into another crowded, polluted, squalid nightmare like the rest 
of urban India?  I am also opposed to migrant voter fraud and migrants 
squatting illegally on our public lands.  If Oscar would deign to step out 
of his "comfortable climes" and talk to real Goans, he would know their 
true feelings on this matter.  And count me in as one who is against 
outsiders - foreigners & Indians - who view Goa as a haven for drugs, 
sex and gambling.

For 3 years Oscar and his GBA cohorts pulled a fast one on Goans. 
Goa has paid a heavy price for GBA's chicanery and precious time has
been lost.  But now the game is up, and the charlatans stand unmasked. 

Rajan Parrikar

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