                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The testimonies copied and pasted in the post appended below were provided in 
support of a "Human Life Bill" introduced in the U.S. senate in 1981. This bill 
was never passed. It is in response to these testimonies that the prestigious 
National Academy of Sciences passed a resolution indicating that these personal 
opinions of witnesses who happen to be scientists or physicians had nothing to 
do with science. They were merely opinions based on religious beliefs or 
speculations. There were other scientists in those hearings who refuted those 
testimonies. For example, here is a quote from the pre-eminent geneticist and 
Dean of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Leon Rosenberg, stating a 
position with which the National Academy agreed:

The crux...of the bill before you is the statement...."that present day 
scientific evidence indicates a significant likelihood that actual human life 
exists from conception." I must respectfully but firmly disagree with
this statement for two reasons: first because I know of no scientific evidence 
which bears on the question of when actual human life exists second because I 
believe that the notion embodied in the phrase "actual human life" is not a 
scientific one, but rather a philosophic and religious one.

....If I am right in asserting that the question of when actual life begins is 
not a scientific matter, then, you may ask why have so many scientists come 
here to say that it is? My answer is that scientists, like all other people, 
have deeply held religious feelings to which they are entitled. In their 
remarks at these hearings however I believe that those
who have preceded me have failed to distinguish between their moral or 
religious positions and their professional scientific judgments.
.....Dr. Leon Rosenberg

So, as you can see, what has been stated in the post appended below does not 
comport with reality. I would be happy to provide documentary evidence from 
authentic sources to back up all my statements in this thread.



--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Ivo da C.Souza <icso...@bsnl.in> wrote:
> ***All documentation is from the scientists. Whom should we
> trust, Dr.Santosh, or the medical companies regarding
> cancer, or the scientists regarding the human life? I think
> that Dr.Santosh is misleading us in the New Year too (for
> the last six and half years I had to bear up with him). If
> Science cannot determine that a zygote is human life and not
> a bird (which is the specialization of Dr.Santosh), then
> Science is limited and impotent about the natural life
> itself. Dr.Santosh is trying to defeat all the statements
> coming from scientific circles as "bogus", fake, "garbage",
> "scientific illiteracy"... Enough is enough...


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