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                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


This post is only because I earlier read the results of another net group I 
belong to.

That group had a competition at the beginning of last year to see if regular 
net readers could out do the new years 
predictions of the most famous astrologer in the country. Needless to say, 
regular net readers got more of their 
predictions right than the professional astrologer. My prediction, which I had 
long ago forgotten, was that gold 
would hit a new high in 2009. Needless to say, it did.

When I read that I had one of the winning prophecies, I wrote back to add that 
if anyone was interested, my 
'looking into the future eyes' had already seen another new high for gold in 
2010. If anyone is interested, I am 
willing to bet gold on this. As a note of caution, please do not come up with 
small bets......

Secondly, while reading the Report on Business section of, The Globe and Mail, 
2nd January, earlier this evening, 
my gold spotting eyes saw the following. This is part of an article that listed 
the best and worst investments of this decade.

Leading the best section was:
>Gold (+281%)
>Lifted from the pages of The Insatiable Investor Cookbook, here’s the recipe 
>for the perfect bull market in gold 
> (GC-FT1,096.20----%): -Take one massive crisis in the global banking system; 
> - Add a sinking U.S. dollar; 
> - Mix in obscene amounts of debt-financed government stimulus that gets 
> people worrying about inflation in the 
> midst of a recession; - Sprinkle with widespread fear, mistrust and paranoia. 
> Heat for a year or so. When it pops 
> out of the oven, you have gold pushing $1,100 (U.S.) an ounce and ads on 
> late-night TV offering cash for your 
> unwanted fillings. D.P.  

Leading the worst currency performers was:
> U.S. dollar (-27%)
> How to ruin your currency in three easy steps: 1) Launch costly wars in Iraq 
>and Afghanistan, sending your deficit 
> into the stratosphere; 2) Import more goods than you export, and finance the 
> difference by selling bonds to the Chinese; 
> 3) Bail out banks, auto makers and anyone else who shows up in Washington 
> cap-in-hand. With U.S. government 
> printing presses running overtime and the dollar’s status as reserve currency 
> in doubt, the greenback (USD)
> lost about 20 per cent against a basket of currencies during the decade. Soon 
> even drug dealers won’t want to own it. J.H.  

Simple calculations indicate that any Goan who bought him/herself gold at the 
beginning of this decade has an asset worth
three times that if he/she held on to US dollars. The Goan house wife who 
bought gold was a more savvy investor than the
one who kept her money in savings accounts. For the sake of simplicity, I am 
not even going to introduce the effects of the
last decades inflation which ate up at the value of all those holding cash.

Lastly, at church today, I heard the priest read my favourite passage. 
According to tradition, the three gifts of the Magi were gold, frankincense and


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