Filomena Giese wrote:
> A Haitian friend in Berkeley who has been deeply involved in outreach to 
> Haiti for many, many years, 
> just told me that the most urgent thing needed is health and hospital 
> care.  He and others are devastated 
> at losing relatives and friends.
> He especially recommends Partners in Health.  If anyone of our Goan community 
> wishes to donate, 
> here are the 2 sites to contact.  Please inform your friends and pass the 
> word on. And make sure the 
> donations are marked for Haiti.


Filomena Saraswati,
One of nicest things of living in a socialist country is that people here are 
truly concerned
about the well being of their neighbours. And the term 'neighbours' is used 
loosely here, extending to both the 
person across the street as well as the person across across the ocean.

As some of you know, the Governor General of Canada was born in Haiti. She went 
on TV with a passionate 
appeal for help. Help for Haiti. The response? A very generous one from all 
Canadian residents. But that's not
all. Canadian businesses and the government itself have responded with what 
really counts.

On Friday, my employer announced that it would contribute a dollar for every 
dollar contributed by its employees
to alleviate the suffering in Haiti. The Govt of Canada responded with a 
similar contribution. 

As with all natural disasters, I usually sacrifice the cost of a crate of beer, 
deciding that at the very minimum,
that contribution would give me much more pleasure than usual. The response by 
Canadian business and
the Federal govt means that my $28 dollars is now being matched by my employer 
which doubles the
contribution to $56 and that $56 is being matched by the Federal Govt which ups 
the grand total to $112.00

One can provide a lot of medication with $112.00

PS. I hate to say this but when I spoke to my sister in the US today, she 
claimed that religious leaders there are
of the opinion that God send the earthquake to Haiti as a punishment. One of 
their leading religious figures said that
the earthquake was a result of the punishment that God sent to Haiti because of 
the pact Haiti made with the devil.
Yep, it did not make sense to me either. Here is the link to the American 
Broadcasting Company report, see if you 
can do  any better:

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