500 odd years of Catholicism and not one canonisation.  We are stranded with 
two semi-saints and no light at the end of the tunnel.


I have my theories. Here goes:

(1)     The church in Goem is divided.  Caste having been such a huge part of 
our lives, we have yet to exorcise this ghost.  It is time the head of the 
church in Goem does something dramatic nay drastic to right this wrong.

(2)     Goemcars do not have sufficient financial clout to sway the power 
brokers in Rome.

(3)     There are no Goemcar nuns catering at the Vatican, unlike Kerala. Their 
nuns I believe literally run the papal household.  Keralites are getting 
canonised in droves.

(4)     The church in Goem needs a crash course in public relations.

(5)     Goemcars are evil or maybe just not holy enough.

I may be wrong.  But then what other reasons can there be?

Mother Theresa.  John Paul 2.  Great people.  I love them.  But sainthood in 
under a decade?

The Roman Catholic Church cannot find one, one Goemcar; fit for the greatest 
honour it can bestow?



Xanno Moidecar

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