My dear amigo...

What is this about apologies...among friends?
Apologies schapologies forsooth!

I merely pointed out what I saw as a discrepancy &
you, graciously, accepted the same...that, old chap, is
satisfaction enoug'

But I owe you a lump of thanks. While doing a little look-see,
being motivated by something in your post, I have discovered, 
yet, another Goan candidate for Veneration &, eventual, 
canonisation. His process has been lying in the due office in 
the Vatican since the past five decades plus! 

The Holy See has confirmed that the process is under study.

And another discovery: A full-fledged Goan General.

Will write about both pretty soon.

Which one should I serve up first? Saint or soldier? 
You, pls, tell me.

Stockholm, 2010-01-24
0046 8759 6214; Mob: 0046 70 295 4091

> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 19:01:45 +0530
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Blessed Jose Vaz and Padr Agnelo
> Xannea,
> I withdraw my petulant "dedd xanno" remark in the response
> to Alfred Tavares. If that upset you, I sincerely apologise.
> Regards, v
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Xanno Moidecar" <>
> To: "goanet" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:58 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Blessed Jose Vaz and Padr Agnelo
> My apologies to Alfred de Tavares,  Socrates Valmiki Faleiro and all Goemcar 
> Catholics offended by my silly and flippant rant.
> And Socrates the prefix should be the more appropriate Homer – esque  
> D’OH!
> A bout of juvenile petulance is the only excuse I can offer.
> I join the rest of Goemcar-dom in praying that our Church be blessed with the 
> two prime candidates going through the process, 
> reaching the goal soon.  And yes even if it is unfair to fair Kerala, I’m 
> hoping both will be bestowed the ultimate honour before 
> long and before any other.
> Sincerely
> Xanno Moidecar
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