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I had a different idea.

I had told my people that I should be buried clad in a simple white kurta pajama, no suit boot and tie, no footwear, no gloves et al, just like I go to sleep normally, covered with a simple white bedsheet. The coffin should be a simple black cloth coffin against the polished wood coffin (costing between 5000 to 20000 here in Goa). However, the body should be buried sans the coffin and the same could be stored appropriately in the cemetery for the re-use of those who cannot afford a coffin. Accordingly, the coffin will be made of suitably durable material. Our churches used to have a 'fabica coffin' in times gone by for the use of those who could not afford coffins. Very sensible, it was.

But now, I endorse this novel idea that there should be no coffin at all. I have always been against decorative coffins and the money spent on them. It is to be noted that a recent funeral in the village has cost Rs 27,000/- which has shocked the party concerned.

I am  re-instructing  my people on this.


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