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My dear tornato friend, Valmiki...

It also glee...d the ever-britsling cockles of my pumping-organ, most 
to read your listing of our nobly fallen heroes. 

While you did a fine recording of that, harrowingly ongoing, pantheon I would 
like to complete it with a question to good old George, you having been, quite,
non-conceived, planed at the time:

George, old chap...did my next door neighbour Squadron Leader(?) Agostinho 
Monteiro, die in harness or naturally.

There has been,a not un-called for, speculation...that his demise had links 
with his 
disapproval of the infamous, K. Menon jeep purchase...that time's Bofors' mess.

I could expand on this aspect of the inadequacies of our military logistics...

Alfred de Tavares

For the uninnited:

Augustiniho is the son of Dr. Baronio Monteiro, brother of Brigadier Inocencio 
Inocencio married his widowed sias

I was a kid then (nee '44) when the entire cla

That was ca 1949...during the first Indo-Pak 

> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 21:14:34 +0530
> From: valmikigoa...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Brave Goan Airmen: HERALD(Goa), Feb 28, 2010
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Dear George,
> As a "lowly" non-Service pen-pusher, I take a deep bow at your kind words.
> Honestly, coming as they do from a former IAF Serviceman (and one as loved
> for his own writing and authorship), your words almost floored me!
> Have received quite a few responses from friends, and I plan to run a
> sequel,
> but will need help from ex-IAF servicemen. (It's about reviewing a list of
> decorated IAF servicemen of Goan origin that I'm trying to put together.)
> Would you deign to help?
> Thanks much for the compliments (even as I wonder if I've hidden my "middle"
> enough as I key this in -- "Pardon me Madam, your Middle is Showing.")
> -v
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 8:44 PM, George Menezes <writer.geo...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >
> > Valmiki Faleiro's atricle warmed the cockles of my heart
> >
> > It has come  not a day too late.
> >
> > That the brave pilots have been forgotten and no awards have come their way
> > is not surprising
> >
> > Awards are a matter of lobbying and Goan Organisations and the Goa
> > Goverment must take Valmiki Faleiro's views to their logical conclusion
> >
> > As a lowly "Squadron Leader" who quit  many years before the statutory 20
> > years giving up all benefits I am proud of fellow
> >
> > Goans,  however few, who served the Indian Air Force. with valour, dignity
> >  and integrity.
> >
> > George Menezes
> >
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