anil desai wrote:

[1] I heard one song on youtube. I heard two serious accusations made
against the priest of Colva.
[2] You may or may not know but right now two Hindu godmen are under
arrest in India and a third one is under investigation.
[3] You should be aware of paedophilia allegations against catholic
priests and currently even Pope is accused of inadvertently sheltering
a paedophile priest.


Dear Dr Desai,

I submit that (albeit, inadvertently) you have, by your above quoted
statements, demonstrated a slight inbuilt prejudice you may have
against Catholic priests.

Why, otherwise, would you not indicate the reason for the arrest of
the Hindu godmen in Indian - and yet (quite correctly) state the
pedophilia allegations against the Catholic priests?

That having been said, I'd like to turn to (what I believe) is your
premise with the allegations being made on the videoCD.

While you await Marshall's response to your queries, I'd like to ask
you a few queries of my own:

a: Without making any pre-judgment on the veracity of the accusations,
Is the VideoCD - a form of art OR is it potentially a form of slander?

b: Having noted that (Indian) doctors are often accused in Britain of
sexually molesting their patients, what would you say IF someone
produced a VideoCD in Colva or Collem accusing you and other UK Indian
doctors of sexually molesting your patients?

c: Considering that a number of individuals are known to make false
accusations of molestation - for whatever reason - What do you believe
happens to the person who is falsely accused of such acts?

d: Does the law (in India) make provisions for any accusations to be
dealt with in court?

e: Is it that we are now advocating (no pun intended) the use of the
electronic media to slander individuals we do not like - be they in
Ribandar or Rivona?

There is, I believe, a method to achieve two goals by making a small
modification in the law i.e. to Make it mandatory (under penalty of a
prison term for failure to do so) for ANYONE who suspects or knows of
anybody molesting another...... to report it to the police.....and be
available to be cross-examined in court by the accused.

The two goals achieved by this: (1) More cases of child or serial
adult abuse will (potentially) be reported to the law. (2) Less cases
of slander will be tolerated.

I further submit the following:

#1: We should leave consenting adults alone.
#2: Nobody should attempt to take the law in his/her own hands.
#3: If we are unhappy with the law - as it is - lobby to effect a change.
#4: If the court system is too slow, study law, apply to be a judge
and help clear the backlog.

BUT: Let us not call slander ...... a freedom of expression. The next
act of slander might be against us!



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