I try not to have any prejudices. I knew the allegations  against the priest
and I chose not to repeat them. The charges against hindu priests have been
in the print media and TV in India as well on the net, Youtube etc. One was
running a sex racket, another eloped with a young follower and the third one
was shown in intimate position with an actress on a VCD.. Law is taking care
of the first two and hopefully the followers who have been duped by the
third one will take appropriate measures against him.
Paedophilia by catholic priests was introduced by Mario in a post circulated
to most of the people who contribute regularly to goanet and hence I did not
think that this was a matter of prejudice on my part.

Answers to your questions:

1.Religious leaders, in my opinion should have their misdeeds exposed in
print as well as visual media. The third hindu godman? was exposed by a
secret camera planted in his bedroom covertly. It did expose his duplicitous
behaviour in preaching one thing and practicing quite another. If
allegations against the Colva priest are false and slanderous, he can sue
Calvert for defamation. He would be entitled to crores of rupees
compensation, particularly because one otf the allegation is quite serious
and because of his standing in the society.

2. About Indian doctors in the UK: I think you are seriously misinformed. IN
the 28 years that I have worked here, I can recollect five or six cases. I
am sure you know that thousands of Asian doctors work in the health service
With regard to molestation CD against me: India is a free country and if
someone does make such aVCD, I will have to tackle it when it happens. I
would not lose sleep over it, I would not make threat of violence against
the people who make it. I know I cannot stop anyone from embarking on such a
risky project.

3. What happens to the person so accused will depend on so many factors:
whether the allegations are true, whether the person accepts that they are
true and simlarly whether they are false and the person has clear
conscience, whether the person is strong or weak etc etc. When I was
fighting against DuPOnt in goa, Front page of daily Gomantak accused me of
accepting a bribe of 63 lakh rupees through my father from Du POnt (whom we
managed to drive out of Goa). It was also claimed in a front page news that
I was to be arrested under antiterrorism law. Neither of these allegations
have ever affected me or whatever standing I have amongst the Goans I care
about. I sought legal advice from a very seniour goan lawyer about suing
chowgules who were the owners of Gomantak then. They refused to apologise
and the legal advice was that I will be wasting a lot of money with no
chance of success. Sometimes, this is the price we have to pay for the
freedoms we enjoy.

About your suggestions:

They are interesting but not novel.
I rest my case.

Anil Desai

On 15 March 2010 13:46, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  anil desai wrote:
> [1] I heard one song on youtube. I heard two serious accusations made
> against the priest of Colva.
> [2] You may or may not know but right now two Hindu godmen are under
> arrest in India and a third one is under investigation.
> [3] You should be aware of paedophilia allegations against catholic
> priests and currently even Pope is accused of inadvertently sheltering
> a paedophile priest.
> Dear Dr Desai,
> I submit that (albeit, inadvertently) you have, by your above quoted
> statements, demonstrated a slight inbuilt prejudice you may have
> against Catholic priests.
> Why, otherwise, would you not indicate the reason for the arrest of
> the Hindu godmen in Indian - and yet (quite correctly) state the
> pedophilia allegations against the Catholic priests?
> That having been said, I'd like to turn to (what I believe) is your
> premise with the allegations being made on the videoCD.
> While you await Marshall's response to your queries, I'd like to ask
> you a few queries of my own:
> a: Without making any pre-judgment on the veracity of the accusations,
> Is the VideoCD - a form of art OR is it potentially a form of slander?
> b: Having noted that (Indian) doctors are often accused in Britain of
> sexually molesting their patients, what would you say IF someone
> produced a VideoCD in Colva or Collem accusing you and other UK Indian
> doctors of sexually molesting your patients?
> c: Considering that a number of individuals are known to make false
> accusations of molestation - for whatever reason - What do you believe
> happens to the person who is falsely accused of such acts?
> d: Does the law (in India) make provisions for any accusations to be
> dealt with in court?
> e: Is it that we are now advocating (no pun intended) the use of the
> electronic media to slander individuals we do not like - be they in
> Ribandar or Rivona?
> There is, I believe, a method to achieve two goals by making a small
> modification in the law i.e. to Make it mandatory (under penalty of a
> prison term for failure to do so) for ANYONE who suspects or knows of
> anybody molesting another...... to report it to the police.....and be
> available to be cross-examined in court by the accused.
> The two goals achieved by this: (1) More cases of child or serial
> adult abuse will (potentially) be reported to the law. (2) Less cases
> of slander will be tolerated.
> I further submit the following:
> #1: We should leave consenting adults alone.
> #2: Nobody should attempt to take the law in his/her own hands.
> #3: If we are unhappy with the law - as it is - lobby to effect a change.
> #4: If the court system is too slow, study law, apply to be a judge
> and help clear the backlog.
> BUT: Let us not call slander ...... a freedom of expression. The next
> act of slander might be against us!
> sincerely
> jc

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