I missed to attach the article, Here it is.

Joe, I think you missed out to comment on Fr. Diogo's birthday party. His family had thrown a big lunch party, where 700 guests were present.

 Thank you Joe for informing us about the release date of the Tiatr.
I guess it's really a good & fast means,for idle people like Calvert & Co.to earn some money otherwise they will have to beg on the roads of Goa.


Article from M. Jude:
Reading the following may hurt! This article contains “facts and figures” actually based in reality. If you can take a dose of reality read on.....

First of all, we must all agree on certain definition of a few words. This is very important as there are 2 things happening here:-
a lot of drivel is being written on this blog and,
Even more tragic are people reacting to these so called “facts and figures”.

We shall use the oxford dictionary to help us out here.
The first word “fact” is defined “as a thing that is indisputably the case.”
e.g.        China has the largest population in the world.
                Obama won the last US presidential elections.

The above 2 examples clearly demonstrate facts.

We should all agree on the meaning of the word “figure” i.e. a number.
Now what do we mean by “facts and figures” ? (as used here in this blog) Let us look at a few examples
1 minute is 60 seconds
1 kilo is 1000 grams

Obama had 365 electoral votes in the last US presidential election and hence won. McCain had 173 electoral votes in the last US presidential elections and hence lost.

The above examples are indisputable and if I am to dispute the above 4 facts I have to provide extraordinary reasoning to demonstrate why I am right. No matter how good my reasoning is I will not be able to dispute the above because the reality is such and aligns with the above “facts & figures”.

Now let us look at the definition of another very interesting word which gets disguised as a “fact and figures” on this blog. The word is “ALLEGATION”. It is defined as “a claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically made without proof.”
The Dalai Lama is actually a British spy and used to sell them state secrets from Russia.
He was responsible for bombings in Ireland.
He has 4 houses in Europe, 1 in France, 2 in Germany, 1 in Belgium.
He has 5 wives all around the world and 12 children from those wives and 5 children from other women.

Now read the above 4 statements above and look at how many “facts and figures” are presented and how many allegations are made. I have organised them in point form. That does not make me any more right. In my opinion, even more interesting is that, if I present the above statements as “facts and figures” then the onus is on me to present the extraordinary proof that is required to support such statements, otherwise, one must question my motives as to making such claims. It would not take an Einstein to figure out that I have an agenda in spoiling the reputation of the Dalai Lama. Even more tragic would be to read the above 4 statements and believe they represent reality. This would be only possible by the ordinary mind.

There is no need to conduct an inquiry from various authorities because the statements above against the Dalai Lama are so ridiculous that it does not warrant further investigation. Just because no investigation is conducted by various authorities also, doesn’t mean there is any truth to these allegations.

If you have not read the title of this article then please read again (to all the fans of Calvert & Co.) I will address Mr. Menino Vaz’s original point form ALLEGATIONS made against Fr.Diogo.

From Mr. Menino Vaz’s article allegation 1 is :-
“Fr Diogo came to Colva Parish from Maina Parish near Curtorim. He had already swindled funds by taking loans and donations on the pretext of putting up a new school building. The Maina Parish is still struggling to pay this loan till this day”

From the above it is clear that Mr.Menino Vaz is implying that Fr. Diogo is a swindler and there is no school building in the said parish. Because, by definition a swindler is someone who takes money from people on false pretenses.

Now let us look at the Fr. Diogo’s performance in the Maina parish of Curtorim. What has he actually done? What can we see with our own eyes? Let us forget the intangible performances of Fr. Diogo and just focus on what we can see and actually touch.

Let us really focus on the “facts and figures”:-
When Fr. Diogo was the parish priest in Maina Curtorim – a big church was built and completed in 1999 which has a seating capacity of 1000 worshippers and is acclaimed as one of the best churches in Goa. This was done in devotion to the parishioners of Maina and credits were given to the Holy See of Roma as part of the funds came from there.
A new prayer room was built maintaining the old altar.

A new residence for priests serving for the parish was built. The previous one was in a dilapidated condition.

A full compound was built around the grave and full cemetery was upgraded by building the graves in proper and hygienic manner. Due to Fr. Diogo’s persuasion a special children park was built with funds from a MP. A proper garden was built in front of the church so that children can enjoy the green lawn and play freely
The parish of Maina has a boarding school under its management:
Of all the improvements in the boarding here are a few that can be seen with the naked eye if one is truly concerned with “facts and figures”. (Calvert and Co. and fans would of course need binoculars and microscopes to verify these, due to their unfortunate limitations)

A big study hall was built for the boarders with individual desks to enable them to study in a proper manner.

A bathing facility was built for boarders which enabled them to have a bath properly as opposed to having it in the open.

A dining hall was built for 110 boarders with the latest facilities.
Accommodation quarters for staff were also built. A state of the art kitchen was also built for the boarders With regards to the school in contention, the old school was completely renovated and a new floor was built replacing the asbestos sheets which posed a very serious, and significant health hazards to the children. One of the best and at that time, first of its kind, staff counters were built for exclusive use by the staff of the school. All the above, I am sure are most welcome to the scrutiny of anyone so inclined to do so. While there, point out to the structures mentioned above and ask those concerned :- When was this built ? Was this built under the management of Fr. Diogo ?

The above are “facts and figures” in Maina, Curtorim that can be physically verified. There are a lot of intangible facts and figures which to prove are beyond the scope of this article.
There is another part of the first allegation by Mr. Menino vaz.
“The Maina parish is struggling to pay the funds to this day “

By implication the Maina parish is in dire financial strains due to Fr.Diogo’s management.

Ok then, let us have a small snapshot at Fr. Diogo’s efforts to bring money into Maina parish shall we ?

In 1998, a new branch of Corporation Bank was brought in Maina by Fr. Diogo, it gives a monthly revenue to the Church of Rs. 13,000/- There was a Church Hall which was not being used due to not having buffet facilities. A new buffet room was built for the Hall by Fr. Diogo and after that a lot of requests started pouring in for renting out the hall. This continues to this day. Many shops were built on the Church property and sold to the parishioners of Maina. This again generated income for the Maina parish. Again the allegation that the Maina parish is struggling to pay back the loan is absolutely incorrect because the true details (in summary) are as follows. These can be verified by contacting the government of Goa.

The government of Goa gave a loan to many schools and one of them was St. Rita’s high school. This loan is to be repaid within a 15 years period. This loan could have been repayed immediately but for the stipulation that it had to be paid within the 15 year period. When one looks at the accounting books of the Maina parish with a sound, rational mind one will find that due to Fr. Diogo’s management the Maina parish is getting an income of approx Rs 8 lakhs per year. It was thought that, it would be more financially astute to pay the loan over the 15 year period.

Under Fr. Diogo’s instruction a fixed deposit of 8 lakhs was intiated, which expires in 2014, so what exactly happens to the interest of that money. Also there were lot of funds in the bank accounts at the time when he left the Church.

Now how the above financial situation, is a “struggle to pay to this day “ for the Maina parish, should be explained by those making the allegation. (Mr. Menino Vaz, I told you it would hurt) And here we go ladies and gentlemen we have destroyed Mr. Menino Vaz’s 1st allegation against Fr.Diogo. And yes, JASPER, CAMILO FERNANDES, LOVELINA BARBOZA, and FLORIANO this is why there is no real need for an inquiry by the relevant authorities into the matter because the allegation is that ludicrous. For any investigation/inquiry to take place unfortunately there has to be some semblance of reality in the allegation. There is none in this case. Let us now look at the second and third allegation together. (This truly demonstrates the depths of depravity in Mr. Menino Vaz’s mind and also very much highlights the desperation of the people involved in this very well calculated and sustained mudslinging campaign against Fr.Diogo.)

“2. At the time of leaving Maina Parish, Fr Diogo forced the new Parish Priest Fr Golbert to regularize the services of a lady who was supposed to be Fr. Diogo’s cook. Fr Golbert refused to do that which resulted in Fr Diogo asking the lady to file a case against Fr Golbert for not regularizing her services in Maina Parish (near Curtorim). Till this day, Fr Diogo is running this case on behalf of that lady with her Power of Attorney. He has even gone in the witness box to defend this lady.

3. In reality it turned out that this lady was Fr Diogo’s lady love for whom he has even built a house at Rachol a few meters on the eastern side of the Rachol Seminary. People must know that when Fr. Diogo goes to this house that he built for this lady love, the local children call him “Uncle, Uncle”. Obviously because he does not even wear a cross on his shirt when he not in his white robes.”

Read the above 2 carefully. Answer this question HOW MANY FACTS AND FIGURES ARE THERE? Looking at these 2 allegations tells you a lot about Mr. Menino Vaz’s intent. He is even nitpicking at what Fr. Diogo wears. Now let us address these 2 with a small dose of reality and a bit more scrutiny.

Fr. Diogo has never asked Fr. Golbert to do anything. How can one priest force another priest to do something? (Maybe in Calvert’s, Mr. Menino Vaz’s world priests force and threaten each other). Even if some people make an affidavit giving false statement against Fr. Diogo, it has no meaning, anyone can make false Affidavits, but there are no real facts in reality.

E.g. I can make an affidavit against the Dalai Lama with my allegations about him at the start of this article. There is no power of attorney ever taken. Fr. Diogo has never been in the witness box. Court records should verify that.
Let us move on to allegation 3:-

Let us get this straight. Fr.Diogo has built a house right next to the RACHOL SEMINARY for his ALLEGED ladylove and when he goes there the local children call him uncle uncle. Let us think carefully about that. If one was a priest who was a calculated swindler and one wanted to build a house for one’s “ladylove” would one do it right next to a seminary ?? Does it make any sense? This would truly be odd behaviour for a calculated swindler who has been stealing billions in the name of the church. Anyone with common sense would build a house far away from any mention of the church in an unknown location.

And finally, if the local children did indeed call him “uncle uncle” How in the world is Mr. Menino Vaz making the assumption that Fr. Diogo is not wearing a cross? What if the children have not seen the cross? Jumping to this conclusion, publishing it on a very visible blog(in point form, I might add) highlights the lengths at which Mr. Menino Vaz, Calvert, etc would go to do everything they can to tarnish Fr. Diogo’s reputation.

Now let us move on to allegation 4:-
“. At our Colva Parish he started off by forcibly building a new school when the state of the old school is pathetic. Even the slab pieces of the old school are falling down on the students.”

This truly is a bizarre allegation against Fr. Diogo and demonstrates the desperation that Calvert & Co., Mr.Menino Vaz, etc in tarnishing Fr. Diogo’s reputation. Please read it again.

According to Mr. Menino Vaz – the state of the old school is pathetic and slab pieces of the old school are falling down on student” Wouldn’t the logical thing to do be to build a new school??? Where would Fr. Diogo put 1000 students and repair the old school?

Now for a moment imagine the people (JASPER, CAMILO FERNANDES, JOEGOAUK, LOVELINA BARBOZA, and FLORIANO who actually read Mr. Menino Vaz original allegation going yeah... excellent work Mr. Menino...facts & figures !!

Another huge flaw about allegation 4 will be addressed when addressing allegation 5

“5. The initial estimate to build the new school building was 90 lakhs. By begging even abroad including Kuwait, Fr Diogo has collected an estimated more then 4 crores of rupees which he has not accounted for and refuses to account for saying “who are you to ask me for accounts?”. The begging continues each day at every mass. Names of donors and the amounts donated are announced but the total amount received is not announced.”

Here it is alleged that the initial estimate is 90 lakhs. And that he begged and collected 4 crores... no hold on... let me go one better Mr. Menino Vaz and fans, he swindled people all over the world of 400 crores for the purpose of building this school.

At the risk of being pedantic, how in the world did he collect all that money and forcibly built the new school as well? Which came first? Building the school or collecting the money from all over the world.

From allegation 4, he started off at Colva by forcibly building the school but from allegation 5 he collected 4 crores from all over the world. Which one did exactly start off with?? school or crores ? One would think that first he would have to beg all over the place and then only start building the school. But that is in complete contradiction to Mr. Menino Vaz’s allegation 4 and 5. Kuwait is being thrown in there. Let us see how long Fr. Diogo has been in Kuwait for the last 10 years. His passport should confirm it. He has a sister in Kuwait who had forcibly requested him to come for a few days and rest because she was concerned about his health. Fr. Diogo happens to be a chronic asthma and heart patient (he has survived 3 heart attacks and had an angioplasty done) and despite his health problems is a workaholic when it comes to any parish work.
Again let us dose this drivel from allegation 4 and 5 with some reality.

Events at Colva
When Fr. Diogo entered Colva Church the parishioners’ first demand was to build a prayer room in the church, which Fr. Diogo did in a record time. At the request and help of parishioners the altar was gold plated The residence at the church was uninhabitable when Fr. Diogo first came to Colva. He stayed with his sister until the residence was repaired and fully renovated. Now there are 3 en suite rooms for the 3 priests serving the parish. Besides this, Fr. Diogo also built extra toilets to cater the needs of the parishioners and priests coming from outside. The school office was totally renovated with modern facilities like a Xerox copy machine, LCD Projector, scanner and with 30 computers with MP Funds and through the Minister of Education

For the welfare of the students a new cooler of 35,000 rupees was put by Fr. Diogo to give hygienic water for the students as earlier they were drinking from tap water which posed a significant health hazard. Old school was without grills Fr. Diogo made arrangements and installed the grills

The Church hall was of asbestos, now entire hall is renovated with false ceiling etc. after the renovation the hall is being frequently rented by people and lot of income is being generated. When Fr. Diogo joined the Colva parish lot of problems were going on for the facade of the church which Fr. Diogo solved. Cemetery was renovated and graves were built with stones and now walls will be tiled

And now we finally come to the school in contention. The new school was built not for the need of Fr. Diogo, but for the need of the students and same was requested by Diocesan Society of Education from the Bishop Palace much before Fr. Diogo joined the Colva Church. The estimated cost for the school was 1.10 crores. Parishioners contributed approx 50 lakhs which are announced in the Church every Sunday and published in Parish Bulletin every month giving the full total and also with the names of donors. This unfortunately (for CALVERT & Co, MENINO VAZ AND FANS), can only be verified when one looks at the parish bulletin with a sound and rational mind. The government of Goa gave 25 lakhs, half of this amount is a loan to be paid in 15 years and half is subsidy to the school. All this would not be possible without Fr. Diogo.

All the Account Books are handled by the Treasurer Mr. Rozarinho Rodrigues and was announced in the church that he will be responsible to give the account of what goes on financially. Mr. Camilo Fernandes will be in an even better position to give you much more informed perspective as he is very much involved in helping for the construction of the school. If the school had been started earlier, the Church would have saved lot of money but because of people like Culvert and Co. the church had to spend double as the building materials have increased in cost.

Now a small but, recent achievement of Fr. Diogo. With the help of a Zilla Parishad member a Gym is in the progress in the Infant Jesus High School. All equipment has arrived and only installation is left. Once that is done, I am sure Mr. Menino Vaz will be most welcome to workout everyday at the gym.

Now we go to allegation 6
“Fr Diogo has even stopped Sunday Mass at the various village Chapels where the old people find it convenient to attend Holy Mass. The irony is that the people arrange their own Priests to celebrate Holy Mass at these Chapels so Fr Diogo does not have the burden of sending a Priest from the Colva Church. And yet, Fr Diogo stops the Sunday Mass at these Chapels. He even demands the money Collection. I know for myself that Calvert and his neighbours even went to the Bishop to complain when Sunday mass was stopped at the Chapel a few meters from his house. I am told that The Bishop took this very lightly and said “I will look into the matter and let you know”. Of course he never got back and the agony obviously grew.”

In true Menino Vaz style the above allegation is just a convenient argument to suit their irrational bias and mudslinging campaign against Fr. Diogo. The implication here in the above allegation is that Fr. Diogo is somehow spiritually starved and does not take the spiritual needs of people seriously and, in league with the bishop, trying to extend this phantom spiritual deprivation to others. Here again are the facts of the matter which can be verified to anyone who actually went to this chapel for mass. There was an old priest scheduled to say mass at this particular chapel. The priest died. Another priest was scheduled as his replacement that one as well died after a while. Certain parishioners asked Fr.Diogo for a letter to bring an outside priest. Fr. Diogo proposed to send one of the priest to say mass on every Saturday evening and once a month on a Sunday morning. On the contrary he was very much in favour of sending a priest to say the mass.

Now let us again look at the reality of Fr.Diogo’s initiations with regards to spirituality in his time at Colva. There is a special preparation 3 days before Famma organised by Fr. Diogo, this was never done previously.

Lots of retreats are being done by bringing brothers from Pota by Fr. Diogo. Now Lenten retreats are fixed 26, 27 & 28th February, Calvert & Co., Mr. Menino Vaz most welcome.

And finally, we come to the last allegation
“7. At the last “Fama of Menino Jesus”, Fr Diogo was dead drunk while keeping the statue of Menino Jesus on the Alter. In that drunken state, the statue of Menino Jesus slipped from his hand as many as four times. Real disgusting this!!!”

The implication here being that he was obviously intoxicated on Fama of Menino Jesus. Hmmmm....

Let us for a moment enter Mr. Menino Vaz’s fascinating mind and and assume that Fr.Diogo was indeed drunk. Let us look at what the very drunk Fr. Diogo did on Fama of Menino Jesus.

Fr. Diogo woke up at 3.30 am then he alone on his own catered to 150,000 people on the famma day. Despite being a heart patient and very tired, he had to work alone saying 3 masses and distributing communion and making announcement for 11 masses. He even arranged Police and Ambulance to take a child who was badly hurt due to Confraria members negligence and even went to the extent giving monetary help to the child, while, all the money of the boxes goes to Confraria who collected around 10 lakhs. Till date the Confraria has not repaid Fr. Diogo what he paid to the child.

Not so bad for a drunk priest? Imagine what he would be capable of he was sober.

Lo and behold the statue slipped from Fr.Diogo’s hand 4 times. If this is true, then it must be a miracle, because from all accounts the statue is very much breakable. Yes it must be a miracle. Fr. Diogo kept the statue at 11.45 pm

Thank you for reading this rather extended posting here. This posting is more geared towards people who read Mr. Menino Vaz’s drivel and go wow and further their very false propaganda towards Fr. Diogo. Even worse these people are throwing the bishop into the mix. There are some who ask why there is no relevant investigation. As explained before, there is absolutely no semblance of reality in any of the allegations. They are simply that ridiculous. I would speculate that there was a verification of actual facts and figures before the letter from the Bishop was released.

I will address further points by Calvert & Co. and Menino Vaz and fans in my next post on this blog.

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