Dear Hensa,

I must say that M Jude has veritably done a good job to demolish the theory of the antagonists of Fr. Diogo. I for one, am actually enjoying reading through M Judes' defense of Fr. Diogo. But then, persons like me who are far removed form the situation and who have to rely on what people say to come to any conclusion, do not really matter.

Let me explain the problems confronting me at this end as a recipient of the bad blood flow of Colva vis a vis the Calvert/Fr. Diogo affair.

You see, a fox is always associated with stealing the hens. When one sees a fox around, one automatically assumes that the fox is eying some hen or the other in the neighbourhood even though the fox might have had no intentions of stealing any hen at that time.

Calvert & Co raised a brouhaha on Fr. Diogo when the whole world saw what happened in Colva, the riots etc. I, for one, have reasons to suspect the intensions of priests at large but not all priests as such because of my personal involvement and certain beliefs etc. Therefore, the Colva thing was 'fodder' to a mind like mine, and Menino Vaz & Co. could have been very smart to capitalize on the matter to make up for their deficiencies, if any. And, perhaps, rightly or wrongly, they gained the sympathies of a large section of people.

Again, the ad campaign in favour of Fr. Diogo went against him in the general minds of the people at large, including me, because I do not believe that the good work done by any parish priest needs to be 'advertised' in newspapers to the whole world, even if it was done by others. Certain consents needs to be taken and given. Priests are supposed to do good, in the first place. Honouring, saluting the work of the priests in speeches at a valedictory functions and reporting of such thereof, is another thing altogether.

I basically feel that you guys who are defending Fr. Diogo's reputation must realize that you have an uphill task to do so. The place that this has to be done is the Courts of law or the Bishop's Palace. No matter how much you people justify giving weighty examples, just like in a class-room of student freshers, will only go to damage the good reputation ( as expressed by Jude) of Fr. Diogo a bit further.

As I have said earlier, since this is a religious matter and confronts religious discipline, a lot of introspection needs to be done by the right people at the right place if the damage is to be contained.

Last but not the least, let me say that I have not convicted Fr. Diogo nor have I acquitted Calvert & Co. from this flow of vicious bile in the public domain, nor am I anybody to do so.

With kind regards


PS: I am responding only because my name figures in the post.

----- Original Message ----- From: "hensa vaz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 4:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Newspaper Ads of Fr. Diogo

I missed to attach the article, Here it is.

Joe, I think you missed out to comment on Fr. Diogo's birthday party. His family had thrown a big lunch party, where 700 guests were present.

 Thank you Joe for informing us about the release date of the Tiatr.
I guess it's really a good & fast means,for idle people like Calvert & earn some money otherwise they will have to beg on the roads of Goa.


Article from M. Jude:
Reading the following may hurt! This article contains “facts and figures” actually based in reality. If you can take a dose of reality read on.....

I will address further points by Calvert & Co. and Menino Vaz and fans in my next post on this blog. M.Jude

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