Dear MD,
MD said: I may be wrong, would appreciate responses.
vjp: Dear MD, you are being very gracious.

MD: 'Haum dinvastan' (if this means I thank, one has to indicate who one

vjp: True when used in speech. In the case of learning conjugation perhaps
not so.
Interesting to know that that Dev borerm korun, is used cheers in the South
when imbibing drinks.

MD: I do not know what is hell known as, but we call 'yemkond' in the

vjp: Hell in Konknni is narak, the GSBs use naraka and naraku, yemkond, and
ifern. Yemkond, Yama cho kund.
I grew up hearing ifern, although we did not speak Portuguese at home.
Remember the feast of Narkasur(a), [Narak(asur)a], ashura.

MD: ('Besaum di' in olden days, children used to ask for blessing of
adults after the daily night 'Rosary', while adults would great each
other, 'dev bori raath divn', mostly if a guest was present).

vjp: Still happens with my mother, and in maternal home in Batim, Goa,
although it is now somewhat automatic and a bit somnabulistic.

MD: God  comes to our minds, mostly when we are in distress!!
Then we plead: Deva maka/amkam paav' Deva amkam raakon vhor, Deva maka
hya vignanthlem sambaav' =sambaL=sambalo-Hindi?)

vjp: vignanthlem. vign(anth)lem. Vign(esh)war (Ganesh, Ganapati)
sambaav ---sam is a prefix that joins with baav (bhav, bhaL). Bhav would be
an attitude as in bhava/ s; Hanuman to Ram, beloved to lover, mother to
child, etc .
"sam" is to be with, together, Take me/regard me (worthy) into your bliss.
Affect me into your blissfulness. The fears and pains to be takes away --
the mind to be set light!

Of course there is as you mentioned, sambaL, to take care

MD: Is the greeting 'vondia or bondia' still prevelant in Goa? and has it
been derived from 'vandan'?

vjp: Vandan is a nuanced word. Sanskrit. To Hail and then offer prayers,
with reverence.
It is to love without reason. Love for its own sake. In this you are
worshiping the divine in a human.

I cannot say with any deal of certainly that  'vondia or bondia' is derived
from vandan, other than they appear to countervail each other. SOMEONE

It seems to be von + dia (dis). von is perhaps a disambiguation. Good
day. Further, bondia (bon + dia). Bom dia (good day). Borro dis diun.

There used to be a hymn 'Vandan tuka Somiya" here somiya is somi jezu
christ, or swami yesu Khrist. Even the Muslim names "Ibarham,
sulaiman' comes from Abraham, Solomon' etc.
'devasthan' we call 'divL' Hindu Temple' while 'devaL' denotes church.
'Deva maka paav' Deva amchi kakut kor' Deva maka boxi or 'saiba bogos'
somiya maka boxi' devak argam, vakhaNNi tukaa Krista' 'tuns
'Parameshwar'(You are supreme),

vjp: Thanks for putting this out.
Vandan is to give salutations. Vande mataram.
Suleiman directly corresponds to Soloman in meaning with various spellings
(certainly obvious in when Roman script is used for different languages) and
Sulaiman, Suleman, etc.

Parameshwar. Remember the Indian PARAM supercomputer, which was developed
after Indian was denied the Cray XMP, YMP if I am not mistaken?
Incidentally, Iraq got to have one or two perhaps.

parampara, High tradition.

'devasthan' we call 'divL' Hindu Temple' while 'devaL' denotes church.
What is the meaning of the word 'nirop'?

vjp: nirop, would be to convey a message, intimate (gomoi), announcement /
communication something specific to someone.
Nirop dhaddlo, nirop di tenkam, dar tenkam.

I knew a few meanings, now know more on account of your asking.
1. message, permission; communication
2. farewell, parting; valediction
(Borkar, Thali, Ghanekar)

MD: Also, any one has lyrics for 'vollar' pandu Lampiyaum'

vjp: I along with our Dear Goans will do our best to track them for you.

I must add that your sense of phonetics is awesome. I learn as I go and lets
just say that I am fairly decent in certain areas. My interests stem from
getting a better grip on our consciousness. For all I know you may be a
lexicographer, a philologist, but thanks for sharing. I do what I can and
try to learn what I must for reasons to do with my being.

venantius j pinto

Message: 6
> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 03:49:46 -0700
> From: MD <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Re:  Dev borem korum
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Mr. Pinto, I find this fascinating. Hence my response:
> 'Haum dinvastan' (if this means I thank, one has to indicate who one
> thanks.  Hence, it will be: Haum or ami tuka 'dinvastam = I or we
> thand you (In religious contect, is it or I, we,  praise you, worship
> you?)
> Havem or Ami Dinvasunk favo + we ought to thank?
> Haum thuka dinvastolon/ami thuka dinvastelyaum = we will thank you? (I
> you should do this favour, I,we will thank you)
> Ami, Havem thaka dinvaslo + we thanked (praised, acknowledged him?).
> Dev bomerm korun + may the God do good to you, it is a simple and
> common gesture for of thanking some one as we say thank you?.
> This is uttered meaning cheers when men are having a drink in South of Goa.
> To more personalize, elderly ladies would say 'dev thuka berem korum
> baba, fudlya vorsa cherko bhurgo zaum!! (if she got a good baxish!!).
> Also, we may acknowldege a favour saying 'thozo vhod upkaar'  Of
> course many of the words in our vocabulary are borrowed from other
> languages, and even English is not immune to it. (latest Jai ho, and
> before that 'avataar (which surprisingly Americans pronounce 'abatar')
> 'Dev boro dis divn' should mean good day to you or good morning.  Dev
> bori sanz divn= good evening and dev bori raath divn =wish you a good
> (plesant) night and can be said by the guest who is leaving in the
> night, after a party, visit, tumkam dev bori raath magtaan'
> ('Besaum di' in olden days, children used to ask for blessing of
> adults after the daily night 'Rosary', while adults would great each
> other, 'dev bori raath divn', mostly if a guest was present).
> God's whish "devachi khushi" here with khushi we mean God willing) '
> God  comes to our minds, mostly when we are in distress!!
> Then we plead: Deva maka/amkam paav' Deva amkam raakon vhor, Deva maka
> hya vignanthlem sambaav' =sambaL=sambalo-Hindi?)
> Sakal=morning, danpar (do paher)=afternoon, saanz=evening, amori (ave
> Maria) evening time to say rosary).
> Is the greeting 'vondia or bondia' still prevelant in Goa? and has it
> been derived from 'vandan'?
> There used to be a hymn 'Vandan tuka Somiya" here somiya is somi jezu
> christ, or swami yesu Khrist. Even the Muslim names "Ibarham,
> sulaiman' comes from Abraham, Solomon' etc.
> 'devasthan' we call 'divL' Hindu Temple' while 'devaL' denotes church.
> 'Deva maka paav' Deva amchi kakut kor' Deva maka boxi or 'saiba bogos'
> somiya maka boxi' devak argam, vakhaNNi tukaa Krista' 'tuns
> 'Parameshwar'(You are supreme),
> I do not know what is hell known as, but we call 'yemkond' in the
> south. (Literally, Yemkond means the pit of Yama - Hindu god (of
> death?), even heaven 'sarg' is from 'swarga' and paradise from parsi
> 'Firdous', coffee from arabic 'kahwa', tamarind from
> 'Tamar-e-Hind)=dates of India (tamar is arabic name for dates, that we
> call 'kazur' in Kannada it is called 'karjura'.
> Some times, to mean'see you later' we may say'uprant,or falyam or
> magir  meLyam (sometimes we involve God as well, saying, 'devan borem
> muLyan, falyam meLyam.'
> 'tuka dev paavtolo' God will take care', to say iI amde a mistake,
> please forgive me, we say: maka , muji chuk zali, maaf kar' and
> finally, 'KoNN naa thar Dev Asa' or God will see (take care)=Dev
> paLeitalo"
> What is the meaning of the word 'nirop'?
> Also, any one has lyrics for 'vollar' pandu Lampiyaum'
> I may be wrong, would appreciate responses.
> MD

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