Hi all: It's very easy to cast aspersions on a person's motives, and
we will never know! It is also easy to imaging people making "their
millions" out Konkani music, but those of us who have been working in
the field of music, writing, literature and the like would know

Rather than seeing this as a zero-sum game (if someone else gets
access to the music, I lose!) we need to encourage all kinds of
efforts that come up and which could give a new lease of life to the
cultural products that mean so much to us.

When Francis Rodrigues was putting together his book of Konkani song
hits, there was also some unfortunate controversy sought to be raked

At the end of the day, instead of just critiquing the initiatives of
others, it would be better to add to them and contribute our own
initiatives. FN

On 23 March 2010 03:22, Agnelo Fernandes <pend...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Preserving Music can or must be done within Goa or
> India. Sigrid Pfeffer may have special passion for
> Konkani & we all do the same but I understand
> that her love of Konkani music is more
> "commercial" than just passion for music or
> listening pleasure.
> If she just loved to listen to Konkani songs or
> just air them over German Radio would be
> understood as pure passion & would be
> appreciated by Goans, however, releasing
> music CD's with old songs and selling them
> at £13.99 is a pure indication that "Konkani
> music" means business for her in those
> regions where she wants to introduce
> or broadcast music.
> My request to everyone is not to sell
> your old records to any outsider's with
> the hopes that Konkani will be kept alive.
> We must first keep Konkani alive in GOA
> and then move outside. I strongly feel
> that people who are outside Goa have
> more love for Konkani anyways than
> the new generation within Goa.
> Please do not misunderstand me, Im
> not against Sigrid nor about her commercial
> gains. All I'm trying to say is that her goal
> is not the same as the goals that all of us
> Goans have & that is to keep Konkani alive.

Frederick Noronha
Goa,1556 :: Books from Goa :: http://tiny.cc/goa1556

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