viviana coelho wrote:

[1] I stand by my contention that anyone in the US has access to
healthcare that they don't have to pay for.  No one who lives here
will deny this.

[2] I also stand by my contention that SOMEONE is going to get rich by
forcing all Americans to purchase health insurance.

[3] If Obama wants to provide free health care more efficiently to
people who are uninsured, by all means do so, but why insert another
bureaucracy between patient and doctor if not to get rich from it?

[4] I don't know anyone who is against providing free health CARE to
those who can't afford it, it's the FORCED INSURANCE that is the


I'd like to start with the premise that Viviana is one or more of the
following (a) a Pubbie (b) unaware (c) plain wrong (d) disingenuous
(e) all of the preceding.

re #1: I hope she has evidence (besides her nephew) to support her
claim that "anyone in the US has access to health care that they don't
have to pay for"

Of course, one will have to determine what Viviana means by 'access.
This time around, Viviana does not even bother to use the qualifier to
the health-care e.g. 'emergency'.

The business of 'don't have to pay for it' is an interesting comment.
Please see #4 infra

re #2: This is surely correct. Someone is going to get rich .....IF
he/she provides the service.

re #3: I do not believe that civil servants are the best
administrators of health care. However, if the Govt is "forced' into
providing a service .....who else will run it but the civil service?

re #4: If that is so ......why has NOBODY provided it yet for the poor?

Now does Viviana's comment in #4 "I don't know anyone who is
against providing free health CARE to those who can't afford it"
cohabit with her comment in #1 "anyone in the US has access to
healthcare that they don't have to pay for" ?

Hopefully, Viviana will possibly explain ....WHO will pay for the cost
of health care ....which according to Viviana "Everyone has access to
and No one has to pay for"?

For future guidance, here is a word or two for Pubbies like Viviana:

a: When you have many unfolding international situations, allow your
President to concentrate on his work, and indulge in consensual
private affairs. Do not entrap him and try to embarrass him and try to
get him to lie to protect himself from the wrath of his wife.

b: Do not put unnecessary pressure on him by repeating (ad nauseam)
the 'Tail wag the dog' like comments.

c: Spend money wisely .....not on unnecessary 'guerras'. Did not read
any post from Viviana .....complaining about 'Somebody will get rich
from the unnecessary guerra'.....based on bondollam.

d: If money is not wasted on unnecessary 'guerras', then perhaps,
there would be more that enough money for the Govt to pay every
person's health insurance premiums and possibly repair the roads and
bridges some new inner city schools and also provide for
better maternal-child health.

e: That way .....the only folks who would make money would be the
Insurance Companies who support the Pubbies, and the Trial lawyers who
support the Dems. The doctors will also make money ....and they will
support whoever is in power.

f: Life will go on happily ever after


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