marlon menezes wrote: 
> There is a lot of fat in state (and federal) budgets that can and should be 
> cut. 
> For all its capitalist credentials, the average public sector (federal, state 
> and 
> cities) worker is better paid and has better benefits than one in the private 
> sector. 

I am all for paying workers according to their performance as the better a 
person is paid, 
the more are your chances of getting served properly unless, of course, the 
has a union job. 

As for cutting fat in the state govts, its never going to happen. There is no 
who will cut programs/jobs if s/he is seeking re-election. Further more, I read 
this morning 
that some US states spend more on their prison systems than they do on 

Lets see, a person does not get an education because the education budget is
inadequate. The person then winds up going to jail for stealing. It now costs 
state $30,000 a year to keep the guy in prison. That $30,000 could have given 
prisoner a decent education and vocation. I need not remind you that the US
has the highest number of inmates in the world. 

> BTW, it was just announced today that the US Social Security program will 
> experience 
> a negative cash outflow this year. The earlier estimate was 2017. And now of 
> course, 
> we have this new boondoggle known as public health care.  

On the positive side, since expenses at home will leave little money for 
foreign adventures, 
perhaps the US will now declare victory in Iraq, declare Osama 
as 'insignificant' and withdraw
from both countries. The Toronto Star had a lead article last week that showed 
US troops
guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan. Afghanistan now supplies 70% of the 
worlds opium.

Which brings me to my final point. I am willing to bet that before you see 
another Republican 
president, the US will legalize and tax the street drug trade. 
If this happens, in one blow you would have:
1) New, lucrative sources of income from taxes
2) Increased employment for all those growing the merchandise in the US as 
opposed to Canada/Mexico.
3) A smaller population of prison inmates.

If the above does not happen, get prepared for higher insurance premiums and 
higher taxes. Both will
result in industries becoming less competitive in the US and of employers 
moving jobs out of the
country. As you are aware, the biggest export of the US since George Bush (43) 
took power has
been the export of jobs.


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